"She could Mosby the crap out of him!"

May 20, 2009 21:52

o1. UGH I AM SO SICK! I didn't work today because I am dying a slow and horrible cold related death. ALAS! *achoo*

o2. I realize that about 117 people have already done picspams of this but I just needed to share my own brand of over-analyzing insanity.

Professor Mosby vs. Missy

+ Animals staring blankly never fails to crack me up
Why do I not have that mp3? Seriously? My ipod needs some Foreskins for the lulz.

Marshall vs The Leap Of Possible Death

+ Marshall is so wonderful as he prepares to fly over
+ Honestly, that jump looks kind of big. If you didn't make it you wouldn't be like, "oops! I bumped me knee!" you'd be like, "oops! I DIED!" lol.

+ Aw, Barney/Ted! I love the goggles and Ted's blow up guitar, hee!

Barney & Robin vs "The Feelings"

+ Aw, the gang's back together again! I was ok without Lily for about 2 episodes, but then after that it really did feel like there was a hole in the group.
+ Also, wtf Ted? Being a professor at an IVY LEAGUE college is not really a dead end job. You're not teaching 8th grade gym in the projects.
+ 2nd row - Barney laughs and looks directly at Robin. And then once Ted leaves he really looks at her. Like it's almost a stare. I guess he's decided to finally tell her.

Barney: Hey Ted, whatcha doing?
Ted: Designing a building shaped like a hat.
Barney: Now a good time to chat?
Ted: No.
Barney: So what do you think of Robin?
Ted: Barney, I really need to get to work. So...
Barney: Great! Say you and I went suit shopping and you happened upon a beautiful suit...a beautiful Canadian suit. Double breasted, mhmmm! You try it on, but it's not exactly the right fit for you so you put it back. And then I try it on...I don't really want to take the same suit that you had your eye on, but at the same time...I really like that suit.
Ted: Buy the suit, Barney. You clearly care about it. Tell the suit how you feel.

+ I love the Robin = a suit analogy. Double breasted, oh Barney. Even when you're being cute you're being dirty. And that's why I love you.

Barney: Ok. But Ted, remember that was your answer because...the suit is Robin. I know! *exploding gesture* Right?!
Ted: I'm with ya, Buddy!

+ Aw, look at him playing with his tie all nervously and the way he taps Ted on the shoulder. I love that making sure this all ok with Ted is really important to him.
+ heh, I love how Barney really doesn't get how obvious he's been about this entire thing all year.
+ Ted's amused smile at the end is great. He's a great bro.

Barney: You are now. Because I explained it to you.
Ted: What are you...? Don't...
Robin: ...Oh crap!

+ AW HUG! lol don't protest the man love, Ted!
+ *GASP* Robin!

Ok here's the deal with Robin:
I've always been under the impression that she made the first move in 'Sandcastles In The Sand'. She was the one who invited him up to her apartment in the first place to show him something she had never shown anyone else. And just look again at the way she gazed at him while they were watching the vid. That look spoke volumes. And then there's the way she grabbed onto his tie while they were kissing.
Besides, I feel like it would have been kind of out of line for Barney to have made the first move. Sure, he's a cad, but I don't think he'd ever throw himself at his best friend's ex-girlfriend/his friend who had a rough night. But...he's still Barney, so if she threw herself at him, he wouldn't be able to resist.

Afterward she told him to pretend like it never happened. Because it's Barney. It's Barney. He hasn't had anything more than casual sex in over (almost?) a decade. He doesn't do feelings. Therefore if there is any possibility even in the slightest of ways that Robin could feel anything for him...she would want to fix that. Because there would be NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER (or so she would think).

So, I think she's had feelings for him all along. Feelings just as strong as his are for her. But any time she felt them creep up she would just have to tell herself "NO NO NO" and stay in deep denial mode to avoid being hurt. Because being hurt in that situation would be almost inevitable because...it's Barney.

I mean, she denied her feelings for Ted for a long time back in s1 and he was actively pursuing her at the time! Why would she ever admit to herself that she likes someone who pretends to vomit at the mention of anyone's "feelings". Honestly, if I were Robin I think this is exactly what I would have done.

And then when she overhears this conversation...she's in shock. Her own feelings are so buried that she's not even thinking about that. She's just done such a good job at convincing herself that it's not even in the realm of possibility that she just thinks "I NEED TO STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!"
And I'm not sure she even grasps the gravity of what he feels either.

Lily: He said that? Oh my god! What a tremendous, ground breaking surprise!
Robin: How long have you known?
Lily: 8 months!
Robin: And you kept it a secret since then? Good for you!
Marshall: Yea, wow! Good for you, Lily! What a bombshell! Who saw that coming?!
Robin: How long have you known?
Marshall: 7 months, 29 days.

+ heh, Lily kept this from Marshall for 1 whole day! Good for Lily!
+ This also reminds me of Phoebe from Friends saying "THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!" ha.

Robin: God, what am I going to do?
Lily: I don't know, what are you gonna do?!
Robin: I'm going to marry Barney in a big church wedding! And we're going to move to some sleepy New Hampshire town and open a bed and breakfast!
Marshall & Lily: Awwwww! <333
Marshall: Really?!!
Robin: No!!

+ Marshall is the #1 Barney/Robin shipper ever. Lily is #2.
If you've been looking at my other Barney/Robin picspams over the past few weeks you've noticed how every time Barney tells a joke Marshall's first reaction is to look at Robin to see her reaction. ;)
+ Look at how he is biting his lip in the 2nd cap! And he looks like he's about to cry tears of joy towards the end.
+ I love how M/L clasp hands, THEY ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER! True story.
+ And this is one of the things I most wanted to see in the Barney/Robin storyline and I hope we get tons more of this next season. By "this" I mean the fact that Marshall & Lily aren't going to "get" Barney & Robin's relationship AT ALL. They're not going to understand why they don't do "coupley" things and prefer to remain mocking people who do. ha. (B/R might still go to brunch sometimes though, but JUST FOR THE PANCAKES! BECAUSE PANCAKES ARE DELICIOUS!)
+ Can't you see Lily listing all the things that Barney "can't do" when he eventually starts dating Robin? And then Marshall will make a chart/graph about it (even though he's not supposed to use visual representation of any kind now, tsk!). But Robin will just be like "CHILL GUYS!" because their relationship will never be about "rules". It'll be about what they want to do, not what they can't do.

Robin: It's Barney! I mean, it's Barney. But it's Barney! I gotta tell him no.
Lily: Oh man, you're gonna break his...whatever it is that pumps that black sludge through his veins.

+ heh, Lily!
+ Robin's line translation:
"It's Barney" - He's like my best friend. I don't want to ruin that.
"I mean, it's Barney" - He's my best friend. Who I really...who I kind of...

Robin: Oh crap, you're right! The first time Barney expresses feelings for a girl and she rejects him? And not just any girl, I mean (points to herself), it'll destroy him.
Marshall: Well, first of all (gestures to Robin) Eh! And second of all, there is a maneuver you can try. It's high risk but it's also high reward. For lack of a better term I'm going to call it...The Mosby.
Robin: The Mosby?
Lily: No, she couldn't Mosby him!
Marshall: She could Mosby the crap out of him!
Robin: What's the Mosby?

+ First of all, I LOVE Robin's line here about thinking she's all that. HA, TRUE STORY! But also, that line is so Barney. Just like the line about waiting for a first bump from Ted was last week.
+ And second of all, Marshall and Lily's REAL plan is that they think when Robin tells Barney she loves him he'll just say "I LOVE YOU TOO!" and then sweep her off her feet and cause her to realize her own secret feelings (that they both know that she has).
I realize that that scenario is the most OOC thing in the history of earth, but remember 2mins ago when Marshall and Lily thought Robin was serious about marrying Barney? lol they ship them so much they're kind of beyond logic. And also, they're such hopeless romantics that they would think that if two people who really loved each other were to say it out loud then that would be enough. How presh. Too bad (and awesome for us) that Barney/Robin aren't like most people.
+ Thirdly, "I mean you're very pretty, but you're freakishly tall, and you don't believe in ghosts!"
OMG MARSHALL, MY LOVE FOR YOU IS ENDLESS! And I love M/L's smug looks after that. ha.

+ I just love the way he looks at her as he prepares to tell her how feels. He almost doesn't have to say it. You can just see it.

+ This was exactly the reaction that she was expecting from him. But not the one she was hoping for. However I don't think she realizes that until she notices how much his reaction really does hurt.
+ You can just see her thinking "ok, there it is! He fell for it!" in the last cap in the 2nd row/first cap in the 3rd row. But then look at her reaction at the very end....she's not faking there. He already turned away.
+ After this scene Robin also disappeared from the party (I was actually looking for her in the background). I think she just had to get out of there and clear her head. I mean, everything she had been trying all year (or possibly longer) to DENYDENYDENY would naturally be beginning to surface. And clearly, after what just happened she would think she was right to have pushed it down in the first place.

+ I love how excited he is here! Both by Robin having feelings for him and the fact that he's been momentarily "CURED" of his debilitating illness. His smile here is so cute, lol he's such an ass. <3
+ Lily is so disappointed. She really thought her plan was going to work. She was so excited at first to see him so happy.

Barney: Why nooooooot?!

+ aww! He's so cute when he whines. ha.

Barney: So, you're in love with me?
Robin: What? Oh, yeah! Very much.
Barney: Ok, you can knock it off, Lily told me!
Robin: Dammit, Lily!
Barney: I can't believe you would do that!

+ Aw, look at them giggling in the first cap!
+ I love Cobie's line reading of "Oh, yeah! Very much!" It cracks me up every time.

Robin: It's just...look, I care about you Barney! And this kind of stuff, the emotional stuff...it's not your thing. I thought I'd save you the trouble.
Barney: Maybe I don't want to be saved the trouble. Maybe I want the trouble. I haven't wanted the trouble in a long time, but with you the trouble doesn't seem so...troubling. I don't know. I thought...I thought you felt the same way.

+ Oh Barney, that is the line of the night.
+ But see, she's still disbelieving that he'd be able to handle the emotional stuff. Despite everything she's heard she's still unconvinced they could ever have anything. His line here kind of shows her that maybe...she was wrong.
+ And Barney even thought that she felt the same way! Aw, look at him looking down, playing with his suit, and thinking he's about to be rejected.

Robin: Maybe I do. I don't know. I'm not exactly the biggest confronter of feelings. But I mean, clearly there's something between us. Maybe my head was saying 'nip it in the bud' cause my heart was saying something else. Look, I have feelings for you, Barney. Maybe I even love you...

+ Wow. I was really just hoping for a glance from her to show that she had feelings for him but this is SO MUCH BETTER.
+ She's being totally honest here. There is no Mosbying going on. I mean, Ted doesn't even Mosby this awkwardly. ha.
+ She can't look him in the eye...and neither can he through most of this. ha, I love how bad they are at this.
+ I really don't think this is coming from nowhere. As I said before, I really think she's felt like this for a long time. But she never allowed her mind to even go there because it just sounds so insane. However I'm sure the night before she had to really think about it for the first time ever.
+ Look at her look down and bite her lip before admitting full on that she has feelings for him.

Barney: Woah! This is going pretty fast, don't you think?
Robin: What?
Barney: We have a really good friendship going, why screw up a good thing? Friends?
Robin: Friends.
Barney: Oh my god, you just did it again! You just Mosby-ed me!
Robin: I did not!
Barney: You did! You little Minsk!
Robin: Ok, you're right. I did just Mosby you.
Barney: Why are you so afraid of giving this a chance?
Robin: Because I am afraid of how much I like you!

+ Ok, this is where the game starts up again. heh. Robin is a bit taken aback at first because she wasn't Mosbying him at all, they were both just being honest. But an emotionally honest conversation? Plz. That can't be allowed to continue. That's not how they ~roll~. So they're going back to the game. And one of them has to win this game. Whatever that means. I don't think they even know.
+ Ah 4th row center, right next to the hand shake! Look at Neil's tongue! Hee!

Barney: Woah, this is a bad idea!
Robin: You're right! This is a mistake!
Barney: Yes. *beat* No!
Robin: I love you!
Barney: Let's be friends!
Robin: Ok! Friends then!
Barney: I love you.
Robin: Let's get married!
Barney: No! You're smothering me!
Robin: Ok! Forget it!
Barney: Aaargh!
Robin: Aaargh!

+ Even they don't know what's going on here. It's mostly not serious...with tiny bits of serious thrown in there.
They both seriously think this is a mistake. They both seriously want each other. So they're simultaneously trying to scare off the other person and trying to keep the conversation going.
+ You know what I love about them? That's it's always been a game. Even on the viewer's part. The way they sit next to each other, the way they laugh at each other's jokes, the glances, the touches...you have to be really observant to catch most of what makes Barney/Robin what they are. It's like a totally different kind of viewing experience that makes me appreciate the entire show in a different way.
But I'm sure most people aren't watching like that. So while those viewers would still enjoy this resolution, they wouldn't enjoy it as much as the "crazies" will.


+ There are no duplicates though, each one is different in a really big way, I swear!
+ guuuuh that kiss is really intense. I love that they both just became so exasperated with the situation that they just poured all of that frustration into each other. And their hands are everywhere. Even in her hair!
+ I love that his hand is tangled in her hair in the middle cap in the 2nd to last row
+ And that the kiss was so messy that they're wiping their mouths, ha.
+ MORE AVOIDING! heh, I love them. But at least they're both on the same page now.

+ "Oh we didn't just make out at the hospital? What?"
+ In the first cap you can see Robin playing with her hair and staring off into space. I wonder what she's thinking about, hmm? ;)
+ Barney is...updating his private blog? He needs to write down what he's feeling RIGHT NOW.
+ Aw, the little smile in the first cap in the 2nd row

+ And again, DOESN'T THAT JUMP LOOK HUGE?! Maybe it's not meant to though. I mean, obviously they all did it easily enough.
+ Aw, I love the Robin/Marshall high five!

+ This was one of my favorite moments of the entire episode.
+ Look at his tongue sticking out a little as he's about to jump. Aw!
+ He looks a little nervous for a second, and then he looks at her and those fears just melt away. LOOK AT THAT LOOK IN THE SECOND ROW. Just...wow. <3
+ hee, he stumbles a bit at first and falls over.
+ And then she runs to give him a hug and Marshall squees his brains out!

+ AW GROUP HUG! I love them all.
+ At the end Barney and Robin are about to hug again and Marshall's about to squee again!

Oh gosh, I can't wait for all the sex Barney and Robin are going to have next season. It'll be ridiculous and Marshall/Lily/Ted are all going to be disgusted. \o/

In this interview about the season finale Neil talks about how he would never let Barney/Robin become one of "those" couples like on Mad About You who are obsessed with diapers and whatnot.

I wouldn't worry. That wouldn't just be OOC for him, it'd be OOC for her too. Anyone who's worried about that clearly isn't that big a fan of the show.

As much as Barney and Robin love and adore their friends they'd probably kill themselves before their relationship became anything like the relationships Marshall/Lily/Ted want/have. I mean, that's why Robin and Ted broke up in the first place. It's not her thing.

Barney and cigars and scotch and sex (and guns). Those are her things.

They'll just be awesome and in love and over-sexed.

This is where the fun really starts. I can think of about 30 different hilarious and awesome Barney/Robin storylines off the top of my head that don't involve anything traditional. I think it'll be a new venture for television to have a couple like this.

They'll be the anti-couple.

Previous Barney/Robin picspams:
4.14 - The Possimpible
4.18 - Old King Clancy
4.19 - Murtaugh
4.20 - Mosbius Designs
4.21 - The Three Days Rule + 4.22 - Right Place, Right Time
4.23 - As Fast As She Can


o3. Neil & David are the most adorable couple in the history of earth.

health: sick, ship: barney/robin, people: neil patrick harris, picspam, public, tv: how i met your mother

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