Well I'm definately not pregnant. Bless my mommy who forgot what the sign meant for being pregnant on the tests she stole from work. I cleared that right up
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I think the F word has thee most arousing titles ever. As my mum says..."he can F my word anytime!"
I got picked up by my crotch last night, was called weird, punched myself in the face, had a wee jig in tesco, witnessed the most random shop ever, took photies and laughed.
One day I will be a hot bond girl looking amazing coming out of the sea.HA
Holiday was amazing. Just what I needed. Had lots of time to think and I have alot of things to sort out. Myself for one but I have also been a complete tit and I need to make things right. Some friend I am.
oh boy was I drunk last night! Was much fun though =D
Today I have been to the beach with the loverly lil and vicky. It was lovely even though it wasnt necesseraly sunny. It was still nice and relaxing, however I would have quite happily drowned a couple of people. Much piss taking was done heeheehee. I am still hungover.
The Wickerman Festival was amazing! Had shit loadsa fun! Met Tommy there and was lovely to have a catch up. Lots of silly photos were taken and lots of banter was had
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