
Sep 28, 2003 00:29

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Comments 16

thedakotakid September 28 2003, 04:40:43 UTC
crappy false! those are lovely pictures my dear, i too am feeling the drain of my seeming lack of talent, but sometimes it's shots like these that tell us...oh yes, this is still worth it :) keep shooting!!!
xo beth.


stars_tofade September 28 2003, 04:43:58 UTC
thank you thank you.
i decided to delete that.
the houses one is really the only one i like.
i dunno, it looks like crap to me.

btw, i love your writing.
im just not really sure how to comment on it so i never do. but i think youre wonderful.


thedakotakid September 28 2003, 05:25:11 UTC
i think by wonderful you mean you darling heart


flying_saucerer September 28 2003, 08:37:50 UTC
ain't it a bit early for dying? anyway i don't think you will. you seem a very nice person.

too bad i'm to late for the other pics that've been deleted. i like your shots.


stars_tofade September 28 2003, 17:07:30 UTC
i dont think it matters if youre nice or not.
you cant...really avoid it.

yea, some of the pictures were stupid and taking up space, and the other (older) ones were all hosted at a different site...which doesnt work anymore.


juilletsky September 28 2003, 09:15:15 UTC
oh, your photographs are pretty
+ intense. may i hear more of what
you have to (story)tell?


stars_tofade September 28 2003, 17:05:20 UTC
and thank you.


I like it when the sky is sliced lachie September 28 2003, 14:47:10 UTC
why? I'm afraid to die around people.


Re: I like it when the sky is sliced stars_tofade September 28 2003, 17:11:19 UTC
that stupid wire slices the sky.
but glad someone likes it. :)

why? because everyone dies alone. except maybe for like..romeo and juliet..even though they still kind of died alone..or maybe thelma and louise. ha.

now..a why? to your comment.


oh lachie September 28 2003, 19:48:12 UTC
you mean that you want to die with someone
I mean that I do not want living loved ones around when I die.


Re: oh stars_tofade September 28 2003, 20:58:25 UTC
ooh i get it.
true..i guess i wouldnt want people see me dying.
but you wouldnt want to see someone you love right before you die? ..instead of..dying alone.


crosstich September 28 2003, 17:46:35 UTC
wow. lovely photo. i love the colors &the perspective <3


stars_tofade September 28 2003, 21:00:22 UTC
thank you ms. beautiful-photo-taker-person.


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