Title: Children of Liir Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia Rating: PG Summary: Viking-era Ireland meets one of her Old Gods... one that is rather supposed to be dead
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Badass family is badass~ I really like how much thought you put into all your Ireland fics, and Aodh is pretty awesome even in his introduction. Also, Ireland being bare-footed is a very nice detail. Basically this whole thing is great.
Actually, it's something I forgot to put into the footnotes and now I can't be arsed to edit it (or the accent slips in Aodh's dialogue). Up until at least the Elizabethan era, the Irish didn't wear shoes. Or so says one of the few sites I've found on traditional Irish clothing.
Why thank you.starsandaurasMay 20 2011, 20:16:57 UTC
1: Try following the link provided in the footnotes, sweetheart. Provided just to answer this question.
2: I can't speak for England, but Ireland thinks this particular Queen Liz is badass and awesome and is glad that someone is at least apologizing for all the shit she was put through. /very long glare at a certain ex-husband/brother from Ireland
Comments 4
1: How do you pronounce Aodh?
2: Off topic of this fic: How do you think Ireland and England would respond to the Queen Mum's visit and apology to the Irish?
2: I can't speak for England, but Ireland thinks this particular Queen Liz is badass and awesome and is glad that someone is at least apologizing for all the shit she was put through. /very long glare at a certain ex-husband/brother from Ireland
Happy late birthday, dear.
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