Title: In Case of Emergency - "Things and Stuff"
Starseeker32Rating: K or G
Words: 2646
Characters: Ten and Donna
Warnings/Spoilers: An episodic coda to "The Unicorn and the Wasp" in the same universe as the first part of my
In Case of Emergency story. Don't let the silly title fool you: this story is about more than vague stuff and things.
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Comments 5
Thank you for posting. You might've given my Muse the encouragement to come out of hiding in the face of RL busy times. :)
All of my fics lean toward UST, angst, or hurt/comfort no matter how they begin. I had noble intentions with this one (pun intended), but I decided to try writing another canon-compliant chapter of this, and it is heartbreaking so far. Just warning ya.
My Muse has only recently "come out of hiding in the face of RL busy times." I'm amazed by the quality and quantity of your work in spite of it all. I do envy that. If I'm preoccupied, it seems I can't get my Muse to do anything, as evidenced by my recent absence from LJ. And now my Muse is all angstified (and yes, I know that's not a real word). I will never be over Donna's fate. I'm working out my issues with that through fanvids and fanfic. :-)
Buuuuut," the Doctor bobbed his head in consideration, "if it should ever happen that one mate used her wiles on another, it might be a bit of a shock.... if those wiles inspired certain thoughts and feelings... that those mates agreed not to have... for each other..."
Donna's eyes went wide as she stared at the Doctor.
"...I'd imagine," he finished quickly.
Talk about a bumbling explanation, lol. so very, very him though :)
This was a fun little bit to write. I enjoy making the Doctor feel uncomfortable. I also enjoy rambling monologues. :-) "Very wily, your wiles were" is my favorite line from this one. Thanks for commenting!
Embrace the angst if that's where your muse is at because this is brilliant stuff, hon.
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