Title: Counting Backwards
Pairing: Yasu/Subaru
Rating: PG-13
Note: Cleaning my fic folder. Oh the things you find in there. ;)
Three nights. Subaru’s not counting, of course, but it’s been three nights and he’s starting to feel a little lonely. It’s also been four days but he’s been busy enough not to notice too much. At night, though, Yasu’s absence takes another meaning.
Subaru doesn’t call. He fiddles with his cellphone instead, going over his messages a few hundred times in case he missed anything. Then he decides - not without a grimace - that he can’t keep acting like the obsessive girlfriend - that’s not him, definitely not him - and so he shoves his phone back into his pocket, grabs his keys, and goes out for a drive.
Outside, the air is cool. It makes little goosebumps rise all over Subaru’s skin. He could go back in to get a sweater or something but he decides against it. It’s warmer inside his car anyway, like the sun is still lingering on the leather of the seats. Subaru takes a breath. This is more like it, he thinks. If Yasu wants to spend the week in Tokyo instead of with him in Osaka - no matter if it’s for work and not actually Yasu’s decision at all in the first place - then it’s fine with Subaru. They don’t need to be together all the time, after all. Subaru can totally live without him.
Three nights is nothing.
They’ve been apart for much longer before.
Of course it was before they actually moved in together...
But still. Three nights. Soon four. Four nights is nothing.
And whose idea was it to buy such a large bed too?
Subaru tsks annoyingly to himself and takes a right turn. He pulls up in front of a conbini. When he goes in, the girl gives him a surprised look and bows at him several times in a flustered way before he realises he did not even bother to put on a hat or glasses or anything. It doesn’t really matter anyway. He nods at her curtly, not too sure of what else to do, and quickly makes his way to the back of the store.
He spends five minutes looking at the different packages of instant ramen before he decides that he can’t take much more of the girl staring at him in between each of her wild texting sprees. He grabs a 6-pack of beer from the fridge and briskly walks back to the front desk.
“This, please,” he says, avoiding the cashier’s eyes.
He sees her fumbling with his change but he keeps his eyes down. It’s easier like this, he thinks; or easier when Yasu’s there, his mind adds wryly.
“Thanks,” he mutters before making a quick exit.
As he sits in car, he thinks of opening a beer right now. Drinking alone in his car is kind of pathetic, though, possibly even more than drinking because three nights without Yasu feels like a hell of a long time, especially when three is soon to turn into four. Not that Subaru is moping or anything but Subaru didn’t move in with Yasu so that he’d be alone all the time.
Not without a quick glance at his cellphone (no new message), he drives off. Halfway back home, he almost changes his mind, wondering if maybe Ohkura’s over at Yoko’s again to play Monster Hunt. He could give it a try, he thinks, or just sit back and laugh. Or he could call Hina, maybe pick Maru up on his way. Yasu’s definitely not the only one he can spend his evening with. And since Hina lives far enough and there is alcohol to be consumed... Maybe he wouldn’t have to sleep alone at home after all.
For some reason, though, it’s in his own driveway that he pulls up a few minutes later.
He’s grumbling his way into the apartment when he trips onto the shoulder strap of a large travel bag. He stumbles, barely catching him by holding onto the coat hanger, and swears. It’s not the almost fall that makes his heart race suddenly, though, because the travel bag is khaki, covered in large flower prints, and most definitely Yasu’s.
“Shibuyan?” Yasu calls from the living room.
Subaru hastily kicks his foot out of the strap, and makes his way to the kitchen.
“What the hell are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Tokyo? Your ugly bag almost killed me.”
He is putting the 6-pack of beer in the fridge when Yasu joins him in the kitchen.
“Sorry about that. I’m going back tomorrow so I figured I’d...” But Subaru’s lips muffle the rest of his sentence.
“You came back for the night?” He asks a little breathlessly, and Yasu nods. “Are you stupid?” He adds with a grin, and Yasu hits him.
“Yoko said you had gone into bitching mode again.”
“Fucker,” Subaru grumbles but his scowl is only half-hearted. “I need new friends.”
Yasu lets out a low chuckle against Subaru’s lips, hooks his thumb into Subaru’s waistband.
“In the meantime, I guess you’ll do,” Subaru graciously concedes.
“Mm,”Yasu hooks his chin over Subaru’s shoulder, and hums what may or may not be an agreement. “I missed you,” he says quietly.
Subaru breathes in, closes his eyes. He flattens the palm of his hands against Yasu’s back, feels his muscles shift as he breathes. He doesn’t need to say it back. Yasu knows. He might say ‘I love you’ later, muffled against Yasu’s skin as they are both curled around each other in bed. ‘I love you’ or maybe ‘thank you’. For now, though, neither really needs anything more than this.