Title: Hearts Are Stupid
Pairing: Yasu/Subaru (more or less gen)
Rating: Probably G
Note: Absolutely NOT edited. Sugary. Quite possibly OOC.
Written for
airairo. Not quite what you asked for but anyway... XD
They’re not fighting. Or maybe they are. Sometimes he has a hard time figuring things out when it comes to Yasu, or the two of them together, or the two of them not together as things seem to be these days. Subaru doesn’t really understand, and he tries not to spend to much time thinking about it because that’s when realisations come - like how it’s been two weeks since they’ve spoken last, even more since they’ve looked at each other - and then there are feelings and that’s just... No. It’s just too complicated. Some things are better left alone.
Except it’s just not in Subaru’s nature to leave things alone. He knows it, and from the look on Hina’s face every time Yasu’s name comes up in the conversation, they’re all just waiting for him to reach his breaking point. Subaru feels the low rumble of words at the bottom of his stomach, tries to take on himself, swallows a few biting remarks because he’s just too proud to let himself be that predictable.
“Aren’t you going to say something?” Hina finally asks after Yoko’s all but shoved a picture of Yasu wearing a particularly ugly hat in Subaru’s face. They’ve never been very smooth, none of them are.
“It’s a very ugly hat?” Subaru replies half-heartedly. “What do you want me to say? It’s Yasu.”
Yoko giggles, Hina just gives him a look. “That’s it?” He asks a little incredulously. “Last time you two were apart for that long, I had to endure through a whole month of bitching and sulking. Are you really not going to say anything?”
Yoko waves the picture of ugly-hatted Yasu in his face again, and Subaru rolls his eyes. He wants to tell them both how ridiculous they are, but what comes out instead is not quite as effective. “I don’t miss him,” he blurts out, and Yoko lets out another high-pitched giggle.
“Like hell, you don’t.”
“I’d hit you over the head right now but you look so pathetic even I don’t have the heart to do it,” Hina says. “Just call him and get this over with already,” he adds then before Subaru can throw a few well chosen words at him.
Subaru doesn’t call. He doesn’t. He accidentally missend a text meant for his mother asking what’s for dinner.
Yasu’s answer is quick to come:
Shibuyan, it’s nice to hear from you even though this message was probably not intended for me. (Since when do you send text-messages to your mom?) I hope you are well. ♥
Subaru rubs at his chin, sends a shifty glance at Yoko and Hina over his shoulder.
I am well. And what I do with my mom is none of your business. Hearts are stupid.
He feels a little vindicated when he hits send, but he is quick to deflate. Yasu doesn’t answer.
“Did you talk to Yasu?” Hina asks later on. Subaru tenses.
“Why? Did you?” He asks back.
Hina raises an eyebrow at him.
How are you? He sends at 8:59.
I only text my mom occasionally. He sends at 9:13.
Usually I call her, you know. But sometimes I text her. He sends at 9:15.
Okay, so I don’t text her. He sends at 9:21. Well, expect for that time, he is quick to add at 9:22.
At 9:38, he is typing “Hearts are maybe not that stupid” when his cellphone rings.
“What’s up with all the messages?” Yasu asks, and he actually sounds amused.
Subaru frowns. “I thought you were mad at me,” he mumbles.
There’s a noise at the other end of the line. Yasu’s voice is a little long to make its way through and Subaru has to press the phone closer to his ear.
“Mad?” Yasu asks. “Why would I be mad?”
“Because I s...” Subaru begins, then cuts himself off. “Nevermind. Where are you? What’s with all the noise?”
There’s the distinct sound of a door clicking shut, then there’s silence. Yasu’s voice is much clearer when he speaks again. “Mm, sorry about that. I’m out with some friends. I’m outside now, though.”
“Is there anything you wanted to talk about, Shibuyan?” Yasu asks, and Subaru knows that tone. It’s the tone that usually has any of them spill the beans about whatever is wrong or not.
Subaru traces the inseam of his jeans at his knee, picks at a stray thread. “When are you coming back?” He asks after a moment.
“Wednesday,” Yasu answers. “Do you want to do something together then?”
Subaru’s lips stretch into a smile. “Yeah, I don’t know. I’ll see what I have planned.”
“I miss you, Shibuyan,” Yasu says before they hang up, and Subaru’s heart beat maybe picks up a little.
“Don’t be so girly,” he replies gruffly, but he feels a little lighter now.
See you Wednesday. ♥ He sends at 9:52.