Title: Home
Pairing: Ryo/Uchi (kind of gen)
Rating: G
Note: I wrote this BEFORE the news even came out. O__O
Written for
ilanabean42 ♥ Betaed by
“I hope you washed your extra set of sheets,” Uchi mentions casually over the phone one day.
“Why? Are you planning on squatting my apartment again?” Ryo retorts just as casually. The huge smile spreading on his face would totally give him away but it’s okay; Uchi can’t see him anyway.
“Oh, you know, I figured you would need a bit of help eating all of those leftovers that are threatening to rot. I know how you hate to clean the fridge,” Uchi says magnanimously.
Ryo shakes his head a bit and chuckles. “Very generous of you.”
When he picks Uchi up at the train station, Ryo is a bit taken aback by the quantity of luggage. One could think that he’s brought the entirety of his wardrobe.
“Did you forget to tell me you’re moving in?” Ryo asks jokingly.
“How much leftover food do you have?” Uchi smirks.
A week later, Uchi’s taken over Ryo’s bathroom and Ryo’s considering buying him a dresser so he stops chucking Ryo’s stuff at the bottom of the wardrobe to put his up.
“What are you up to anyway?” Ryo asks over pasta. Not leftovers but a fresh new recipe Ryo has cooked when he got home from work. They’ve opened a bottle of wine too. “You didn’t come to Tokyo because you missed the sights, right?”
Uchi shoves a mouthful of pasta in his mouth and smiles. “Maybe I missed you,” he offers.
Ryo knows it’s probably true. After all, they are best friends and Ryo misses Uchi a lot. Spending time with Uchi reminds him of the many reasons why. But that’s not the reason why Uchi’s here and Ryo knows that too.
“You’re not cute,” he says, and he chucks a piece of bread at him.
Uchi laughs. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
Three days later, Ryo has to go to Osaka and Uchi offers to accompany him.
“Are you going back home?” Ryo asks.
“You could say that,” Uchi replies, packing up.
Ryo almost points out that he is forgetting about half of his stuff but doesn’t think it’s really worth it.
When the official announcement is made that Uchi is coming back to work, Ryo hugs him and doesn’t let go for the rest of the meeting.
“You should buy me a dresser,” Uchi says on their way out.
And Ryo’s just too giddy to find anything snarky to say. “How about we go shopping for that tomorrow?” He beams.