Title: Moving Forward
Pairing: Yasu/Subaru
Rating: PG-13
It’s not like it’s the first time they share a bed but somehow it feels different this time. The setting is different. They’re not in Subaru’s room, cramped together in his single sized bed. They’re not in Yasu’s room either, with the paper thin walls and Yasu’s mother looking at them with an amused little smile over breakfast the next day. This time, and from now on, this is their room, their bed, and there is no one out there, no one here but them.
Subaru stands at the foot of the bed for a while, staring and wondering just how this is all going to work. He doesn’t regret, of course - it was his idea after all - but it still makes him a bit nervous. Which side of the bed is supposed to be his?
Yasu’s soft footsteps as he comes in from the bathroom distracts Subaru from his existential wonderments. Yasu doesn’t really look nervous at first glance but the way he smiles tells another story.
“Um, so, which side of the bed do you want?” Yasu asks, scratching the back of his head absently.
Subaru bites his lower lip. There is a sort of exhilaration bubbling up inside him now, like the thrill of what’s happening is finally catching up on him. A slow grin starts spreading over his face.
“I’ll take your side,” he says, and flashes a toothy smile at Yasu.
“I’ll end up on top of you either way so it doesn’t matter.”
Yasu giggles and suddenly Subaru doesn’t feel so nervous anymore.
Subaru catches the ends of Yasu’s pyjama pants drawstrings. He twirls them around his fingers once before tugging. Yasu steps forward, looks at him with a mix of amusement and seduction.
“What do you need these for anyway?” Subaru asks, tugging just a little harder.
Yasu chews on his bottom lip. “I thought maybe it would make you feel more comfortable,” he admits. Subaru raises an eyebrow. “Like, you know, we don’t have to have sex all the time just because we sleep in the same bed?”
Subaru blinks. “Are you kidding me?” He deadpans. “How is that supposed to make me feel more comfortable?”
“Well, you know...” Yasu licks his lips, fights back a smile. His hand follows one of the drawstrings to Subaru’s hand. “I thought I’d be a gentleman,” he says with the tiniest hint of a smirk.
Subaru narrows his eyes. “Oi. Why do you think I moved in with you?”
Yasu laughs, a short burst of breath that reaches Subaru’s face. It would be incredulity if he didn’t know Subaru so well. As it is, it looks closer to amusement and deep affection. “How romantic of you,” he teases.
“Well, it’s late now so can we cut out the verbal foreplay and jump right to the interesting part?” Subaru tsks, shuffles his weight from foot to foot impatiently.
Yasu lowers his head, hides a smile that Subaru would still be able to feel if he wasn’t looking. Yasu’s thumb traces a slow curve around Subaru’s wrist bone, and Subaru finally releases the drawstring, steps closer instead.
When they kiss, it’s soft and slow, almost hesitant but not. It’s like rediscovering something that’s always been there. Yasu tastes familiar and warm, with a hint of minty toothpaste. Subaru licks at his lower lip, lets the tip of his tongue brush against Yasu’s before opening his mouth to let Yasu in. It’s never a fight for dominance with them. It doesn’t have to be.
Yasu’s arms come to wrap around Subaru, palms pressing flat on his back, warm against his skin. Subaru works distractedly at the knot of Yasu’s pants, hooking his thumbs in the waistband when it finally gives in, and tugging the pants down. They go down to pool around Yasu’s ankles in a soft whoosh of fabric. Yasu tilts his head and kisses the underside of Subaru’s jaw.
Subaru nods.
There is an understanding between the two of them. They both know just how big of a deal this is, how big of a step they’ve just willingly taken. Climbing into bed tonight is not about exploring or fooling around. It’s not about comfort or stress relief. It’s not about sex either.
They both know.
Yasu gives him a tender smile before slipping under the covers, tugging Subaru along. When Subaru follows, they settle into a comfortable tangle a limbs with the easiness of familiarity. Yeah, it’s right, Subaru thinks again. It was the right decision.
“Good?” Yasu asks, and Subaru nods again.
Yasu reaches out to click the lamp on the bedside table off before putting his arm back around Subaru’s waist. There is a kiss that falls on the bridge of Subaru’s nose, another on his chin, before Subaru angles his head and gets their lips to meet.
Close like this, in the dark, it’s a level of intimacy that will probably never cease to be amazing. But like this, with Yasu, in their apartment, it also feels comforting. It feels right.