Title: Summers Are Citrus Scented
Pairing: Yoko/Maru
Rating: G
Note: Short and entirely too sugar-coated. Written a while ago but never posted. I don't like it but I figured I'd share anyway.
Written for
alissa ♥
It’s quarter past three.
If summer were over already, the sun would already be weakening, hovering low in the sky, a ball of melted orange.
But summer is lingering still. Hot and sticky and citrus scented.
It’s Maru’s shower gel, Yoko thinks - because he’s not the kind to make metaphors about the smell of seasons. Maru’s shower gel, though - the one he insisted on getting at the hotel souvenir shop even if it was ridiculously expensive - smells of citrus, and, for no other reason that they’ve been spending an increasing amount of time together and out lately, Yoko has come to associate the scent to sunny days.
At quarter past three, just short of five hours since they left the hotel to wander around the city, just short of five and a half hours since Maru stepped out of the shower, red and grinning and citrus scented, the smell still clings to Maru’s skin as he throws an arm around Yoko’s shoulder and navigates them to the nearest ice cream stand.
“You’re quiet,” Maru remarks, gazing curiously at Yoko from each side of his vanilla cone. “Has the heat melted your tongue?”
Yoko purses his lips, considers. Then he makes a grab for Maru’s cone and takes a big lick. “Nah. It’s still there.” He grins at Maru’s fake offended expression before licking his lips exaggeratedly, as if there were any doubt remaining still.
Maru’s eyelashes flutter momentarily, and then he grins back.
Yoko has no idea when it became that easy. It feels like everything should always be that comfortable when you’ve known someone for so long, hung out with them in such close quarters for months, but realistically he knows that it isn’t. He’d laugh his ass off if Ryo ever gave him that kind of look. He’d never let any of his other bandmates get away with it, would never let them hear the end of it. But Maru’s the king of facial expressions, and if most of his faces are meant to make people laugh, this one only makes Yoko want to smile.
The sun, Yoko thinks, it must be affecting his head or something, melting his brain into a woobie mess. “You look stupid,” he says for good measure but the way he’s still smiling must be taking the edge off.
“Yeah, what’s new?” Maru winks at him.
Their shoulders bump lightly as they walk, and Yoko gets yet another draft of citrus. He breathes in, and watches from the corner of his eye as Maru smiles at the blue of the sky, the sandy beige of the path.
“We should do this more often,” Maru says.
Yoko thinks so too. “I don’t think so,” he says instead.
“Yeah, okay.” Maru replies.
Yoko chews on his lip, and they keep walking. “I’m only kidding, you know?” He feels like clarifying after only a few steps, and Maru turns to smile at him.
“Yeah, I know.”