How peculiar, I just went to see The Caretaker at the Tricycle Theatre without realising that it starred none other than Nigel Harmen (the delicious Dennis of Eastenders fame) he was superb...helarious in fact. I sat next to Natalie Cassidy who shares my love of fruit gums, delightful!
I awoke at 7.30 (highly unusual as I am a 9am person) got up, got dressed and made it into town. I took advantage of Lush's special offer, posted ebay stuff and bought some food
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I'm seriously making an emergency 'fire bag' with all my makeup, photographs and satchel in. I dont know what was more disturbing, the Greek guy trying to shut it off before we even knew if there was a fire or not or the twat upstairs who fell asleep with his oven on.