Title: Partner (8/9) Verse: G1 AU Rating: PG Warnings: Angst, fluff Characters/pairing: Prowl/ Jazz, Ratchet, mentions of Sierra (human OC) and other characters
There's two more parts (yes, I know this is one is 8 of nine, but this chapter was a last minute insert, and possibly a third story to this in the works.
Comments 6
And I loved that Prowl's immediately concerned about his current partner -- that strikes me as very in-character.
Really enjoying this story (and not finding it until yesterday meant very little waiting!).
There's two more parts (yes, I know this is one is 8 of nine, but this chapter was a last minute insert, and possibly a third story to this in the works.
It's touching how Prowl worries about Sierra, she's his partner after all.
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