Title: Alone Verse: G1 AU Rating: PG Warnings: angst, mention of cannon character death Characters/pairing: Prowl, First Aid, mentions of Jazz, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Ratchet, Optimus
;-; Oh, my. This was incredibly sad. Poor Prowl, being used to doing everything for everyone, and now having absolutely nothing at all to do. There is a beautiful ache in my chest after reading this, and I love when a fic can do that to me - and you did it in so few words, too! Nicely done.
Comments 17
Oh, my. This was incredibly sad. Poor Prowl, being used to doing everything for everyone, and now having absolutely nothing at all to do. There is a beautiful ache in my chest after reading this, and I love when a fic can do that to me - and you did it in so few words, too! Nicely done.
I think Prowl, out of everyone, would have suffered the most from being left behind, just because of his nature.
Great job! Continue please!!
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