behold, Nathan gets bored and actually does one of these...oh and a little bit about today at the end...

Jun 28, 2004 02:05

q Name on birth certificate: um... I forgot my name... I knew I should have written it down...
Wait...what if this question were here so that people can send bots looking for peoples information to steal? Identity theft is becoming a problem, you know.
No, I'm not that paranoid. I just like being silly.... or at least some people tell me so... well, most people tell me so...

q Nicknames: Starshine, Arby, Cable, Tree, Puppy and others that I'd rather not be called, so I'm not gonna tell you. :-P

q Any other names you might have: didn't I just say that I'm not sharing those?

q Would you change your name: now why would I want to do that?

q If so, what would you change it to: I dunno... Anonymous?

q Where do you live: Minnetonka, MN ooo stalk me baby!

q Where have you lived: I've lived other places? who knew?

q Where would like to live: with the people I love most. Maybe a nice big castle with secret passages and such... and enough rooms to fit all the people I hold dear.

q Hobbies: Helping people; photography; photo editing; playing with computer stuff like HTML... oh, I'm also fond of ...discussing HTML. :-D Rollerblading (though I usually don't have anyone or anywhere to go to do so. :( ; board games, especially chess; reading a good book; talking to people; healing people's pain; jigsaw puzzles (I so love puzzles. I'm addicted, I think.) and... um... I'm sure there's other stuff... but it doesn't come to mind, so I'm not writing it.

q Hidden talents: talents? um, I have no idea about the hidden talents, 'cause, well, if I knew, they wouldn't be hidden, however... I am talented with words, helping people, listening, being silly, logic and intuition, empathy, pattern matching (puzzle skills ;-) )... I suspect I have some talent in photography, but I have yet for a professional to say so. um... I've been told I'm a very good kisser ::blushes::

q Do you think you're attractive: Well, I guess so... to some people at least... I suppose I'd fit well into the "average" category. I've noticed girls check me out before, but that's a very rare thing as far as I know. Yeah, I guess I'd consider myself average.

q Do others find you attractive: Not very many have told me so, but I guess... enough do. ::shrugs:: I'm sure people can comment on this and tell me better than I can.

q What do you think is your best feature: (I'm assuming that this, and the next few questions, are talking about physical features...) probably my eyes... I've been told I have pretty eyes...

q What do others think is your best feature: Again, I'm sure my commenters (well, at least I hope I have commenters...)could tell you better than I, but I'd suspect my eyes and my hair? ::shrugs:: you tell me.

q What do you think is your worst feature: um... I don't know. I hate that my wrists and fingers aren't as functional as they are supposed to be, although people tell me I'm good with my hands... my ears are too big, I think... that's why I never wear a hat--makes my ears stand out too much and it makes me look funny. ...great now Chris is gonna make me wear a hat and take pictures... ::shrugs:: my nose is a bit big I guess. I dunno...

q What do others think is your worst feature: No one's ever told me this. Comments anyone? I'd love some honest answers to this question, though not necessarily in a public post. If you'd like to have my email address, just ask.

q Do you like your personality: most of the time. There are some aspects I really really dislike though

q Do others like your personality: I guess so. I've had a few people tell me they do, but I think maybe my friends are biased. Again, I'm sure my readers could tell you better than I could.

q Do you think you're funny: well, I like to think I have a good sense of humor, although I think if I were playing Comedy Sportz, I'd get a lot of groaner fouls... I guess most people don't like my many puns. And the fact that I find some things funny much longer than I should.

q Do others think you're funny: Some people have said so. Others say I'm dry and perhaps even crass. I have been slugged a number of times.... is it so wrong to enjoy a bad joke? I think... those that would be bothered by my humor would answer that with a resounding YES. Some people like my wit, some disdain it. I am good with words and ...twisting them...

I guess I'd never be a good stand up comedian. though... that's partly because I don't like to swear and I don't find making other people look bad funny. Another type of humor that I rarely find funny is epitomized in the movie Anger Management. I found the movie sad, not funny. It fact it really disturbed me. One of my least favorite of all time, and I've seen a lot of movies. But, I'm rambling... on to the next question...

q Do you like your family: Yes, I love my family. I just wish we'd talk more and spend more time together. I mean, I find out much more about what's going on with my brothers' from my friends than from them. For example, My friend, Maia, in Oregon, usually knows more about my brother's life than I do, at least with my brother David. I often find out how my mom is doing by overhearing her talk about it to someone else. I guess I hear more about what's happening with Jesse from him or his wife than from other sources... but either way... communication is greatly lacking in my family. Not, that I'm not partly to blame.
We do get along pretty well though. I'm thankful for that. That's not always the way it's been. I prayed for a long time for that... anyway, we are usually there for each other when we really need something and that's precious.

q Do they like you: Yep. That's kinda a silly question, I'd think... but then I guess I have a better family than some.


q Had a serious illness: No, nothing real major.

q Been happy about someone's death: No. Though there are times when it's better for the person 'cause they don't have to suffer anymore, but that doesn't mean better for those that love the person. I don't think death is as awful as some people think it is. I don't believe it's the end of a person's existence. It's hard to be happy about someone's death. I guess I could be sorta happy about someone really evil dying, but only because it would mean the end of their ability to hurt others.

q Killed an animal: No. I once hit a raccoon with my bicycle, but I think it survived since it wasn't around when I got up off the ground.

q Had sex: now why would I answer that? Depending on who you ask, the answer to that may be a good or a bad thing, but why would I want to make my virginity or lack thereof public information? If you don't already know, and would like to, feel free to ask me. I'll probably tell you. I just am not gonna say in a public post.

q Been sexually attracted to a cartoon character: Attracted? hmmm sure, I guess some cartoonist know how to make a female character attractive... but then, that's not saying much. Being attracted to someone or something is very different than, say, fantasying about one, which I have not done... at least not with cartoons. :-P

q Caused a riot: No. Riots are stupid. A good example of people following the wrong example and not thinking about what they are doing.

q Taken part in a riot: definitely not!

q Eaten a bug: um... yes, but I don't think I've ever done so on purpose.

q Been on stage: Yes and I've had the best time doing it too. Which is strange considering I usually have really awful stage fright. ::ponder:: I guess I've been on stage a number of times... like I was in a talent show. But the instance I'm talking about when I had a whole lot of fun was when I played bass for a friend of mine. She wrote a song and was going to perform it. My friend Matt offered to get together a band to perform with her and my help was enlisted. I'd played a bass maybe twice before we started practicing (I had played guitar before though), but I learned the song, kinda helped write the baseline, and performed it relatively well. I just wish we could have recorded the song. We never did and it doesn't really exist anymore now... kinda sad. I'm rambling again...

q Joined a gang: No. Gangs are generally very evil and wrong.

q Been mentally disturbed: mentally disturbed? um... not sure what's being asked here. I've certainly been disturbed, and not always physically. As for mental illnesses? well, I've been depressed before. Other than that, no.
I have decided this question is poorly written. If mental illness is meant, it should say so. Disruption is a very vague term.

q Smoked: Never. Filthy habit.

q Drank: (I assume alcohol is meant) Yes, but not very many times... And I've never been drunk. I've been close, yes, but never drunk. But, anyway, drinking is something I really don't do. I think it's far too dangerous to play with. I know of families destroyed by it.... in fact I've seen a divorce in my extended family because of it. It can make even good people do bad things. Thus it should be done with extreme caution, or not at all. And many people aren't capable of being cautious with it, thus it should generally not be done. I suppose it would be all right if someone were painfully dying and it'd ease their pain... I don't think it's an inherently evil thing, but people nowadays have so little discipline and so little righteousness that it's best just left alone altogether.

q Stolen: I've accidentally stolen many a pen... and when I was very young I once stole a pack of tic tacs... I felt so bad about that... but otherwise... oh wait... I stole some things from my classmates 'cause I was really attention starved when I was in 6th grade. I always gave them back. I basically did it to see how long it'd take to notice and for the attention when it was noticed. I didn't do that for very long though.

q Used someone: No.

q Wished to die: Yes, my second year of high school. My dad died, my grandma died a few hours later (completely unrelated), my best friends soon moved away... A girl broke my heart... I was depressed...

q Streaked: No

q Questioned God's existence: I suppose I've questioned it. But, then I look at all the beautiful things in the world. Someone once said "all things denote that there is a God" (if you want to know who, just ask.) I'd have to agree. Watching the sunset or a new born baby is enough proof for me.

q Cursed at God: hmmm cursed God... no... I've felt cursed before and asked why me, but I don't think I've ever really been angry with God...

q Stalked someone online: No. Though, if I were so inclined, I'd be very good at it. I'm good at finding things online. :-P I'd never do that though. Stalking someone is just stupid. Either someone'll love you or not. Learning everything you can about them doesn't change whether they love you or not.

q Had a sexual fantasy: well, yeah. Who hasn't? well, aside from young children.... dumb question.

q Taken pills: pills? um... methinks we have here another poorly asked question. There are very few people who have not had pills of some sort. I've taken many vitamins in a pill form as well as things like ibuprofen... as well as other things that were prescribed to me by my doctor. Have I taken pills I wasn't supposed to have? no. and I certainly wouldn't do any illegal drugs.


q Kill your parents: No

q Eat an ant farm: um, sure.

q Have same gender sex: No.

q Kill your best friend: No.

q Hold up a convenience store: No

q Shoot yourself in the leg: Yes

q Eat another person: um, no.

q Jump off a three story building: Sure. The question says nothing about what the surroundings of the building are. I could be diving into deep water and making a lot of money doing it. Nor does it say from where on the 3 story building. I could be jumping off the window sill of the first floor. If it were say... just cement underneath and nothing to break, or slow, my fall, and I was jumping from the top of the building, then, no, probably not. What good is a billion dollars if you're dead?

q Walk naked in a mall: um... maybe. ::ponder:: for a billion... yeah, I probably would. Even if they put me in jail for a while for indecent exposure, it wouldn't likely be long 'cause I'd plead guilty and when it was done, I'd have enough money to live off of the rest of my life. Thus I would be free to use all of my time in the service of others, doing whatever I wanted to do and making a lot of good in the world.

q Shave your head: Definitely. Hair grows back. A billion dollars grows a whole lot of interest.

q Drink human blood: Depends on the blood, I guess. If it were my own, no problem. If it were infected with HIV, definitely not. If it were someone else's and I was certain it had no diseases present, then yes. And the question doesn't say how much. In answering the question I assumed the amount to be about a pint.

q Box with a kangaroo: um... sure, as long as that wouldn't mean dying. Again, a billion dollars is nothing if you're dead.

q Kill the president: No.

q Slap an old person: Yep and I'd give them a nice portion of the billion for their trouble.

q Eat your own vomit: sure, why not. A small thing to suffer for so much money.

q Eat a booger: for a billion dollars? again, a small price to pay for so much money.

q Strip for Osama Bin Laden: ::blinks:: that would be weird, since I'm a guy, but... I guess so. It wouldn't be any worse than walking naked through a mall.


q Letter: L maybe? ::shrugs:: it's the beginning of love and light... or maybe E --it's at the beginning of everything, in the middle of the end and at the end of time. I don't know. I do love words. It's hard to choose just one letter... maybe C 'cause it's the beginning of caring and compassion and... the name of a certain girl I know... O:-) Or maybe S 'cause it makes one thing many. Or, maybe Y because it's in the middle of everyone and everything. How could I pick just one?

q Color: Purple, followed closely by blue and... red is nice too... I like lots of colors... I guess of the major colors orange is my least favorite followed by yellow.

q Number: hmmm I think I'll say nine. The number of snapdragons I gave Christina, as well as the number of them just outside the office building in which I work.... though it is again, a hard choice. I like 1 too 'cause it's "on" and 'cause it keeps things the same when multiplied, but not when added. And I like 0 'cause it's nothing and eats everything (if you multiply it) which I find kinda funny...::gives zero some birth control::

q Word: I have to choose just one? ::whines:: um... well, maybe Love... I like love. But, fun is good... and... oooo squishy... I love that word...squish squish... hehehehehe
naw, I couldn't possibly pick just one.

q Movie: um... picking a favorite movie is like asking me for a favorite word or letter... or number... um... yeah, you get the point. There's just too many to choose from. The Princess Bride is a favorite. I really liked Maverick. ::ponders:: I'm not gonna sit here and list. There are just too many. I have to sleep at some point and I'm not even done with this.

q Rapper: my favorite wrapper is my mom. She's a master. She does such a great job of wrapping gifts. What? you mean the lack of a w isn't a typo? you mean there are rappers that are actually good? wait... no... there aren't. Rap isn't music. I think the word is missing a C at the beginning...

q Pop group: pop... hmmm I'm fond of popsicles. well, seriously, I'm not sure. I've never been real clear about what "pop" music is. I Think it used to be short for popular, but I don't think it means that anymore.

q Rock band: hmmm I like a lot of bands.... um... Collective Soul is good...::shrugs:: again, I don't have enough time to list.

q R&B singer: Rythmn and Blues. ::ponder:: I think most things considered R&B nowadays have neither. anyway... um... dunno really. I have a really eclectic taste in music. If you really want to know, ask me. I'll tell you more.

q Shape: I'm very fond of the shape of a girl's cheek... the gentle curve from her ear to her chin... yeah... so for geometric shapes, I'm fond of triangles. They are strong structures and have many interesting properties.

q Person(s): My family, Christina, Angela, Maia, Mike, Martin, Stephanie, (not necessarily in that order) and others I don't have time to list. :-P I do love people.

q Relative: Mom. I'm related to her. :-) If someone outside my immediate family is meant, then I think it'd have to be... um... Chris, Matt, Brittany, Joanne... I can't really pick a favorite. I love them all and they're all very different.

q Old song: um... first thing that comes to mind is the song "Brandy" by the Looking Glass... followed by "One Tin Soldier"... but... I love so many old songs... oldies are some of my favorites...

q New song: Of the songs that are currently very new, um... 100 years, I think. ::shrugs::

q CD: Maybe my REM cd... or maybe my EFY cd... ::ponder:: how can you choose just one when there are so many good ones and they are all so different?

q T.V. show: I wasn't aware that I watched TV... I used to watch Quantum Leap and... Night Court... and yes, I know those are very old shows, but it's been about that long since TV was worth watching. I used to like the Simpson's before they ran out of good material and it went downhill and ceased to be funny... sorta like how the Austin Powers movies very quickly did.

q Movie soundtrack: um... I like many, but I really like the soundtrack for Addicted to Love, much of the soundtrack for Titanic... eh, again too many good ones to list... Pirates of the Caribbean was good too... anyway... onward to the next question....

q Channel: Channel... um... the kind that go well with a Black Lotus and a Fireball? ::shrugs:: The channel we used to swim in when I was young? Certainly not a TV channel. Those have all become polluted... except maybe one, but I don't get that channel anyway.... and even then, not everything on it is good.

q Parent: How can I chose one? Now, I know for some people this is a no brainer, but both of my parents are/were very good to me. I miss my dad....

q Restaurant: um... I like Sydney's, Famous Dave's (mostly for their corn bread muffins... mmmm yummy...), Buca's... I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

q Drink: I guess maybe... apple cider. I like orange juice too... but you know... they say OJ can kill you... ::gets slapped for bringing up a bad, old joke:: ouch! who did that? ::looks around::

q Food: Corn Bread Muffins... mmmm so yummy...

q Snack: I love fruit... especially pineapple... and I'm fond of "fruit leather" but, that's not just because they're yummy... but because they remind me of someone special...

q Shoe brand: um... I haven't found one that I really like consistantly. My Ecco's lasted a really really long time, but then they also cost a fortune and don't have the best of arch supports. I've had a really hard time finding good shoes.

q Underwear: um... I dunno... probably my dragon boxers... or my garfield ones... or maybe my really soft dark blue ones with white plaid lines... ::shrugs:: underwear isn't something I think about much.

q Season: those times when it's between 60 degrees and 75 degrees. so... spring or fall, but... then I do like the fresh newness of spring as well as the lovely colors of fall, so... I can't really chose..... I'm so bad at picking favorites...

q Sport: um... Soccer, I guess. Maybe bowling... ::shrugs:: I guess it depends on your definition of what a sport is. I really like rollerblading, but I don't think that can be considered one. I dunno... I really don't get into sports much, though I'm not clueless about them either.

q Dance: I'm fond of swing, though I cannot do it. (I've never learned) And I do love watching a girl dance... especially if she's good... and pretty... hehehe I do love females...

q Weapon: The pen is mightier than the sword. My weapon of choice: words. Thankfully for those around me, I rarely use them as a weapon.

q Sin: I like sin? oh... um... well... I suppose that would mean the one that's my greatest weakness... um... ask me, if you're special enough I'll tell you. :-P

q Smell: I'm fond of vanilla, but like a good many smells...I'm really fond of the smell that's present when holding a girl close... usually, that means her shampoo. I also like the smell of campfires.

q Shampoo: um... I don't really have a favorite... I buy whatever is cheap... or smells good.... or seems the least likely to irritate my scalp


q Kissed: Christina. Oh, and I kissed Martin's new baby Nessa on the head today...

q Hugged: Martin

q Slept with: if you don't know the answer to this question, go scroll up and look for the question that's very similar to this one.

q Licked: um...

q Ate: ate? who eats people? I've maybe nibbled on someone, but... I wouldn't break any skin... as for the other possible meaning of this quesiton, I'm not answering that either.

q Cursed out: cursed out... um... you mean yelled at? um...I dunno...I don't get mad enough to "curse out" people very often... in fact... it'd be very uncharacteristic of me.

q Intentionally hurt: um... I dunno. I don't often do this.

q Punched: oh... um... probably one of my brother's or brother's friends. Around here, you get slugged for telling a really awful joke... and I've been closest to the person requiring the slugging at times. Of course, I don't hit very hard. I wouldn't want to. Plus with my wrists as they are, I'd probably hurt myself.

q Loved: well, that's a misnomer. Once you really love someone, you never stop loving them.
If you have to ask the answer to this, you probably don't know me very well... in fact, you're probably not even reading this. And if that's not the case, then just ask, I'll tell you.

q Killed: I don't think I could kill anyone.

q Danced with: I'm not sure...

q Stalked: um... I think when I was in junior high I sorta stalked someone... but that was a long long time ago... When I finally got the guts to tell her I adored her, she cut me down... and told the whole school. I never again found her even remotely attractive.

q Hated: hmmm I dunno. I guess myself if anyone.

q Gave the finger to: Someone who was driving very poorly. When I looked over to see the person, I thought it was someone I knew, though I can't be sure, but either way, I promptly decided never to do this again.

q Cried with: Christina

q Fought with: um...

q Talked with: Christina

q Laughed with: Christina

q Made bleed: dunno.

q Cuddled with: Christina

q Played with: um... I played tetris with Dave not to long ago... I think that was the most recent person.

q Ate with: um... my clients at work.

q Hung out with: um... Les if you don't count the tetris playing as "hanging out"

q Sung with: the people at Martin's baby-naming ceremony. I read "love you forever" by Robert Munsch for them... they learned the song pretty quickly and sang it with me...
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
as long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be.

I got much praise for a story well told. I should tell stories more often. Probably the best compliment I received: she said something like "I enjoyed that story. I've heard it before, but that's the first time I've enjoyed it"
That one was really special, 'cause for one I knew I made a difference for her. two, 'cause I knew it wasn't the story that she was acknowledging, but rather what I brought to the story.

It was really touching, almost everyone there later told me how much they liked it and thanked me for it... I gave the book to Martin... It was the best gift I could think of giving him. Though, now I need to get a new one for me. :-P

and someone asked if I was nervous getting up in front of a room of people I mostly didn't know, I indicated that I was quite nervous, but knew the story well, so that helped. He remarked that I didn't seem the least bit nervous...

anyway, I'm thankful for the opportunity of contributing to Martin's ceremony... I'm glad I could touch so many hearts. I'm glad my mom taught me that story... I, of course, didn't make it through the story without crying, but I only had to stop for a little while before going on...

I'm so pleased that of all the blessings given to Nessa and her family, that the blessing of a story was the one that really stuck in people's minds... I heard people talking about it... most of them didn't know my name, but they knew who I was... I felt so special...

Maybe that's what someone meant when they said "giving and receiving are the same" I received the very thing I intended to give... In succeeding in giving, I received the same.

I'm sorry... I'm really tired now and I'm sure what I just wrote is disjointed and maybe even confusing, but... it was just a really precious experience. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. On this or any of the above questions. I do love comments...

Anyway I need to make this an LJ cut and go to bed. Good night.
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