The Basics:
Name: Doctor Leonard Horatio "Bones" McCoy
Fandom: Star Trek XI (2009 reboot movie)
Age: 31 (born 2227)
Height/Weight: 6'1"/unknown
Position: Chief Medical Officer on the Enterprise
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Canon Relationships:
➟ Family
• Joanna McCoy, daughter (possible; canon is unclear with regards to the reboot)
• David McCoy, father (deceased)
➟ Friends
• James T. Kirk, best friend who gave him the nickname 'Bones'.
➟ Other/Unknown
• Jocelyn, ex-wife who "took the whole damn planet in the divorce"
• Spock, the "green-blooded hobgoblin"
✗ Born 2227
✗ Grows up in Georgia
✗ Attends the University of Mississippi. (2240s)
✗ Completes medschool and is married to Jocelyn.
✗ Has a daughter, Joanna. (~2249)
✗ Gets a divorce and decides to join Starfleet, despite having aviophobia.
✗ Meets Jim Kirk on the shuttle from Iowa (2255)
✗ Organizes Starfleet Academy's first astrophobia seminar; is top of his class in anatomical and forensic pathology (2255-2258)
✗ Present when Jim Kirk cheats to beat the Kobayashi Maru simulation and at the subsequent hearing; smuggles Kirk on board the Enterprise.
✗ Field-promoted to CMO of the Enterprise when the previous CMO, Dr. Puri, is killed in the altercation with Nero and the Narada.
✗ Performs surgery on Christopher Pike after Jim recovers him from the Narada.
✗ Present when Jim is officially promoted to Captain and continues to serve as CMO on the Enterprise.
Other Facts
✯ Aviophobic -- "It means fear of dying in something that flies!"
✯ Enjoys bourbon and whiskey, but especially enjoys mint juleps. Also makes a mean
Finagle's Folly.
✯ Also makes excellent Southern baked beans that have Tennessee whiskey as an ingredient.
✯ His father, David McCoy, contracted a very painful and incurable disease. Leonard insisted on trying to find a cure, but his father begged him to let him be free of his pain, and so Leonard took him off life-support. A cure was discovered soon after.
✯ The emotional, passionate member of the Kirk/Spock/McCoy trio, with Spock as the logical, objective side and Jim as the intuition and drive.