[flowervillage] Permission Meme

May 06, 2009 14:57

Name: Misha Arsellec Lune
Birthday: ...you tell me.
Age: 18
Job: Assistant in City Hall

Height: 164 cm
Weight: 48 kg

Abilities: Misha can use Song Magic and apparently can cook! She also seems to know how to play an ocarina.

Can I threadjump you? Sure! If it's not private-y.
May I hug your character? Sure I guess!
Can my character kiss your character? Only Lyner I guess so?
Can I badtouch your character? ANYTIME YOU WANT LYNER :DDD Ask
My character is a psychic, can they mind read your character? Reyvateils have Mind Guardians, so you probably won't be able to. And you probably wouldn't want to because it's sort of dangerous in there.

Can I maim/kill/spit on/ect your character? No on maiming and killing, the rest, ask!

Anything else you'd like mentioned? Misha may look human but she's a Pureblooded β Type Reyvateil, which is to say she's not human, so idk if that'd ping some characters.
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