Hey, everyone. I know I've been very much out of touch lately. So here, sort of by way of making amends, is a blatently out-of-season holiday story.
Title: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
Author: Rebelcat
Slash or Gen: Pre-slash, baby-slash, slash-lite, non-graphic slashiness, they’re both a bit slow on the uptake in this one.
Rating: PG, because Starsky almost has a naughty thought, but catches himself in time. Plus someone’s tongue goes where no man has been before, or so Starsky assumes. Although there was that one really big party they went to when they were undercover, and no one told them about the Acid Kool-Aid... But that’s another story.
Category: We got a bit of almost everything here. Hurt/comfort, humor, romance, a barely-there case, a couple of holidays. But sadly, no hawt man-on-man sex. Yet.
Disclaimer: Certain opinions expressed by the characters within are entirely their own. Starsky needs his consciousness raised. That would have to be in the sequel, along with the raising of certain other bits. Oh, and no copyright violations are intended by either the story or its title, and besides Robbie Burns is dead, even if Aaron Spelling isn’t.
Beta: Pre-beta’d, baby-beta’d, beta-lite, non-graphic beta’d-ness, done by EH, who did say, “What?? You’re not getting a real beta?” But she’s currently somewhat impaired, so I ignored her. This is fluff, all for fun. It doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.
Feedback/Critique: Yes, please! And if you write to me, I'll write to you. (Assuming that's any kind of incentive.)
The actual story can be found here:
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot