I'm a fast writer, but I'm not quite this fast. This latest story was actually written over a year ago, but when I started the
30_lemons challenge I realized I'd finally found the right home for it.
It's longer and more substantial than my other lemony slash fics, so I've linked to the page on my website. It wouldn't fit in a regular LJ post.
Title: The View from the Bottom
Author: Rebelcat
Gen or Slash: Slash!
Disclaimer: Sadly, they still ain’t mine.
Feedback/Critique: Yes, please!
Notes: Thanks go to CC for the beta. I didn’t take her advice on everything though, so any problems with the story are entirely my fault, not hers.
Warning: This story has graphic man-on-man sex. Lots of it. Lots and lots and lots of it. Consider yourself warned.
The View from the Bottom