Haruhi never knew that a simple Magic 8 ball could create such a huge uproar in the Host Club. It had started off innocently with Ranka waltzing home one day yelling sweetly, "Tadaima, Haruhi!" and waving a Magic 8 ball keychain he had bought "on sale!" he had fiercely insisted. Haruhi had merely ignored her father as she went about making dinner, occasionally swatting his hand away.
"Haruhi!" Her dad whined. "Humor me!"
"No." Was the blunt reply. Her dad pouted. "Then I will ask myself! Will Haruhi end up with that..." He shuddered. "foreign bug?"
"Dad, he has a name." Ranka had squeezed his eyes very tightly, and let out a squeal. "My sources say No! Yes! Thank you kami-sama! Thank you!!! Ooh ooh!! Ok, will Haruhi be lucky enough to end up with Kyoya? OH THANK YOU KAMI-SAMA!!! Haruhi! It says It is certain! "
And with that, Ranka had forced her to bring it to school, alternating between how this would be a good luck charm and a talisman to ward off a certain foreign bug (Dad, his name is Tamaki). Hikaru had been the first to spot it when she took out her pencil case, and that lovely key chain glittered in the sunlight, practically screaming out to him.
"Neh neh Haruhi, what is this?" He unhooked it off her pencil case and started shaking it. "Eh?"
"It's a Magic-8 Ball." Haruhi said flatly, not bothering two hoots on where it went. "Ask it any yes-no question and it will give you an answer."
"Any question?" Hikaru shook it somemore. Kaoru had slid over to Hikaru's side, looking at the queer commoner thing. "Neh neh Hikaru, ask it about tono today!"
"OK! Shall we torture Tono today?" Hikaru shook it for emphasis, his wide grin mirroring that of Karou's. Haruhi merely shook her head as the twins screamed in sheer delight as the bubbles in the ball cleared to show Without a doubt.
And thus started the twins' 'heavenly' mandate to torture the shit out of Tamaki at the host club, which frankly Haruhi couldn't quite care because it happened nearly every day. But what she could not quite fathom was how everyone at the host club ended up taking it to be some sort of a lucky charm.
"It's not a lucky charm!!" She screamed for the last time, scaring some of her customers as Kyoya shot her a warning glare. She mumbled under her breath.
"Haru-chan! I can ask it anything???" Hunny had wandered over to her side after the last of the customers had left, looking delightedly at the small object. Haruhi contained a strong urge to roll her eyes. No, Hunny-sempai did not deserve such cruel treatment. Not yet.
"Hmm... Will I be able to eat strawberry cake today?" Before Haruhi could point out that Hunny already had strawberry cake earlier, the die within the ball floated up to reveal a Very Doubtful, which undoubtedly sparked an entire chain of events again. Hunny started to tear, to which Mori came swiftly to his rescue. The twins stopped meddling with Tamaki and came over to see the commotion. Tamaki sprinted straight to Haruhi on seeing that he was no longer being pestered and was absolutely delighted to see yet another ...
"Commoner's object! OH my lovely daughter, this is how the commoners decide their fate? What a simple way that appeases their minds and hearts. A game of luck neh? OOH! Let me try let me try!" He shook it hard. "Eh, how does it work?" He finally decided to ask. The twins smirked and Haruhi had by then, wheedled out of the group to comfort Hunny and get away from the maddening crowd.
"Tonooooooooo, you ask it a question. Then you flip the ball to this side and it will reveal the answer to your desiresssss." They drawled, each hanging off Tamaki's shoulder. "Ask it anythingggggg" Tamaki gulped. Desires? What did they mean by that? Tamaki's inner mind theatre started to play, shutting out the twins and the noise they were making around him. Ooh! Desires.... oh yes how he desired to spend a day with Haruhi dressed up as a lovely girl. She would wear a long summer dress, her hair blown by the wind as she stretched out her hand and said softly, "Sempai...."
"Tono. You're thinking perverted thoughts again." Kaoru pinched Tamaki's cheek. Tamaki screamed. "I am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"OOh lookey, you have an answer. You must have asked it something just now." Hikaru pointed out as he glanced at the ball Tamaki was carrying. True enough, the bold words appeared in the small window. My reply is no.
"NOOOO! I did not ask it anything! I haven't asked it!!! No this is wrong, this is a lie!!!!!" Tamaki wailed as he retreated to his corner of gloom, ball forgotten on the floor. Kyoya snapped his notebook shut and walked over to the spot where the ball now lay, and picked it up. He looked at it carefully. By then, the twins were finally bored of poking Tamaki in his corner and had shouted their goodbyes. Hunny and Mori had left a little while back to go for practice, while Tamaki had suddenly realised he had an appointment with his father and dashed out quickly enough.
"Che. No one want to clean up." Haruhi grumbled as she started to sweep the floor, as per the daily routine. Kyoya glanced over at Haruhi and a small smile played on his lips.
"What are the chances the ball will say that you are going on a date with me this Saturday?" He twirled the ball, and then held it up to her, the small window facing her. Haruhi's mouth opened slightly widely, bug-eyed.
The liquid in the ball swirled and Haruhi found herself staring at three words Without a Doubt.
"Kyoya-sempai.... You ..." She stuttered. "Aren't serious...." He merely smirked and threw her the keychain, which she deftly caught. Through a swirl of bubbles, another face of the die came up Better not tell you now.
"Haruhi, I am just.. lucky." Kyoya's glasses glinted in the sunlight, and with that, he turned around to leave. Haruhi looked at the ball again and shook it.
"Is Kyoya-sempai really that lucky?"
As I see it, yes