Mar 30, 2011 03:15
- 10:36:30: @ WizardsJason Stats don't affect May Cast frequency; they have a chance every time a duel event happens
- 10:41:31: @ aaronlightwalk Wouldn't it be easier to find someone with a Treant and hatch with it? You must really want that purebred. Good luck!
- 10:45:30: RIP Jackie Chan HOAX - Trending Topic is NOT true!
- 10:57:31: @ spiritcaller I like my Storm Cats - cute, some decent Talents, and a good low-level card.
- 11:15:25: I really should weed down my W101 slideshow folder (screen saver at work) or at least organize it somehow. 2967 images may be a bit much...
- 11:21:11: @ JohnLifeglen Bare minimum, I should probably go through and delete duplicates. Maybe sort into folders by world?
- 11:23:15: @ JohnLifeglen Separate folder for castles & dorms? Or lump them in with whatever world the house is from? Decisions, decisions...
- 12:21:49: @ JohnLifeglen I've been saving pics I like from blogs, Twitter, Central etc, don't recognize most of the wizards in them anymore.
- 12:24:04: @ spiritcaller @FallonStormWiz Both Spinyfish and Fierce Hounds have Spritely in their base DNA, should be decent odds to inherit.
- 12:28:03: Excitement from multiple core W101 bloggers, I'm guessing @ LydiaGreyrose just sent them all some top-secret news. #notoneofthecoolkids
- 12:30:38: @ JohnLifeglen Talent's more likely if both parents manifested it, but could still be hidden in unmanifested slots & show up later.
- 12:33:22: @ kevbattleblood RR question for you Fallon & Cass: What's the story behind the name "Team Perfect Catch"?
- 20:00:55: @ TheActiveNecro I've got 29 Prickly Bears using only 45 energy/day (15 each for rank 3 pests, music & bees)
- 21:49:39: Anyone up for a Coven run? My balance wiz just unlocked it, Scarecrow realm 1
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