For quick, easy reference!
Late 900's: Viking dude with a beard named Lief Erickson from the Nordic area settles in Newfoundland and leaves his mark by calling is Vinland.
1492: Christopher Columbus was a derpface and found America, thinking it was India. OOPSIE DAISY.
1600-1650: Europeans settle in and make themselves all cozy, claiming various parts of America.
Specifically in 1629, Puritans from England establish Massachusetts Bay Colony to gtfaway from the Church of England.
As they do that, in 1620, Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth, Massachusetts on the Mayflower for the same reason.
Experiments with communism without knowing it = epic fail.
People DIED.
1621: The first Thanksgiving dinner. Nomnomnom.
1664: English yoink New Amsterdam from the Dutch settlement there because the English were skanks.
1754-1763: French and English fighting for control over America. (French and Indian War)
1763: Treaty of Paris helps them stfu and divide the territory.
1773: America takes steps in rebelling against England's rule and dumps tea in a harbor due to heavy tax on tea. Forever will drink coffee.(Boston Tea Party)
Moar taxes, Moar angst. Moar do not want England.
1775-1783: America is all: Stfu England and gtfo out of my grill. Thus-- The American Revolution. Old bearded guys fight and people die.
1781: Cornwallis is all like "cool story bro, yeah sure whatever" and surrenders to Washington. (Battle of Yorktown)
Important papers are read and signed = foundation for more government.
1789: George Washington is boss man when he's elected first President.
1791: The first ten amendments get ratified and stuff, known as the Bill of Rights.
1812-1814: America declares war on the British Empire cause he's being a restricting douche again. Canada sets the White House on fire cause he thinks he's something (War of 1812).
1819- Spain gives up Florida to America.
1830- President Jackson's a douche and relocates Native Americans.
Economic modernization for the win! It's happening everywhere around this time.
1861-1865: America argues with himself primarily over slavery rights and issues (Civil War)
Union kills Confederacy and wins eventually.
A lot of presidents, alot of developing.
1898: Spain's a jerkface and blows up a ship so America's all, "No way, bro." (Spanish-American War). Treaty of Paris is seen again, and makes America calms his balls, ending the war.
1914: World War I begins! America chillaxes for abit and eats popcorn while delivering some help to England.
1915: America gets in Germany's face cause he sunk a cool boat and enters World War I after being neutral for awhile.
1918-1919: Commies, commies everywhere. (Red Scare)
Lithuania comes to stay with Alfred around this time.
1924: GTFO OUT OF MY COUNTRY. A lot of people were prohibited to moving to America. (Immigration Act of 1924)
1929: America goes bankrupt with the stock market crashing. NOT FUN TIMES (The Great Depression)
1939: America sent goodies to Great Britain, Russia and China.
Sooner after, Japan flipped a biscuit and bombed Pearl Harbor.
America flipped tables and declared war on the Axis Powers.
1945: Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were done to end WWII.
1946: "Special" Relationship with England established, proven by a speech made by Winston Churchill.
1947: Tony discovered and befriended in Roswell, New Mexico and kept a secret from the rest of the world, saying his crash was just a weather balloon.
1947-1957: Second Red Scare.
1947: Cold War begins, causing America to pee his pants in paranoia. SO MANY COMMIES. CANNOT HANDLE.
1948-1949: Berlin Blockade.
1950-1953: Korean War.
1959-1975: Vietnamese War.
Happy times ensue as America rebels against his first culture, taking into drugs and a freer lifestyle for a test run.
1957: Space Race begins as Russia launches the Sputnik and makes America go: I can do it better.
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis.
1969: Neil Armstrong lands on the moon and America rubs it in Russia's face.
1973: Oil crisis.
1975: Space Race ends.
1980's: Moar Cold War, Ronald Reagan stuff, a lot of music happenin' here.
1990-1991: Persian Gulf War.
1991: Supposedly end of the Cold War without a "winner".
2001: Hijacker attacks in New York put America in a depressive state.
2001: War on Terror begins until present time.
2005: Hurricane Katrina puts America in an ill state.
2008: First African American President elected.
Contains some head canon material.
Okay, so. There was this guy named Lief Erickson, and he was pretty boss. He discovered America along with Finland, who didn't know what to do with him. They sort of watched and observed America as a child, monitoring him in a field which he called his home. It wasn't until France and England came along and fought over him, canonly speaking, as they both wanted to claim him as a brother. When America was around 3 years hold human years, he accepted England's constant coaxing when he wasn't strangling the Frenchman to earn America's favor. He declared him bro, and it was pretty happy times.
But only for awhile. He grew very close to England until his preteens.
As America aged, he grew rapidly and at a miraculous pace. His shy shell was being broken, and his strength was increasing immensely as many people settled to his land mass. As he got older and matured into a teenager, there were various restrictions and rules England was putting on him that he disliked. Such rules were how to eat properly, what to eat, how much of an amount, what to wear, how to act, proper etiquette, religious beliefs, etc etc. During this was when the British Empire was drastically taxing his people.
England was strict, mean, cruel in America's eyes, but it was all for a purpose that the younger nation was blind to see.
Slowly getting fed up with both how his father figure was acting towards him, and the actual British Empire acting towards his citizens, America rebelled, refusing to do simple things that England asked him to do and arguing with him. As he did this, a few of his citizens revolted and dumped taxed tea into the harbor. Refusing to drink tea was just one thing-- he sneaked sugar and molasses behind England's back when he specifically told him not to spoil his dinner as the British Empire taxed sugar and molasses on American citizens.
Finally, at the age of 16, America declared his independence, stubbornly beginning to bicker with England one night. The next day, he started arranging his troops, refusing to come home. More fighting ensued, and eventually they set their troops out to battle. Secretly reluctant about all of this, America put on a brave and bold facade. America grew closer to France at this time, tying closer bonds with him as an alley. Head canonly speaking here, I believe France taught him a lot during this time (and possibly took a handful of his innocence that England treasured away.) Eventually, England had acknowledged the desperation of America's wanting to split, and surrendered, as Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at the Battle of York.
Everything seemed peachy keen for awhile. America busied himself establishing his government out a bit more with his newly elected first president and started to take matters a bit seriously, becoming quite the workaholic with not too much time for play. Setting more foundation for his establishment-- it wasn't easy-- and Alfred easily got stressed. During this time, the Bill of Rights became ratified, along with other important papers. He was feeling pretty confident eventually, and attempted to spread his territory. This made the British Empire pissed (he was probably still butthurt from surrendering, which effected the rest of his colonies) again, and they argued over territory, beginning the War of 1812.
Soon after this, America was really getting the hang of this independent, economy modernizing at a rapid pace, business, and even gained the territory of previously owned Florida from Spain. He started to feel pretty high and mighty during this period until 1861, when he discovers a flaw in his newly forming history, and that was the issue of slavery for the most part.
Some people interpret the Civil War as an unknown twin brother arriving out of nowhere and the two dueling, and some people interpret this part of history as a stressful time with America. I consider it both. America sort of-- snapped-- feeling once confident only to find this snag in all of his work, and being bickering with this mysterious twin brother of his who calls himself Aaron, the Confederacy. Alfred became the Union, and the two of them argued-- alot. Alfred tried to gain control of Aaron as his own, and the both disagreed on a daily basis. Eventually, war ensued. It was pretty confusing, complex, and a dark time in Alfred's life. Eventually, he killed Aaron.
Though, a sense of cockiness aroused within Alfred, a part of him also died that dark day.
With Aaron out of the picture, freedom and peace was his again, only to be haunted by his twin's death a few years after, revealing a gloomy side of Alfred that taunts him to this day whenever the conversation is brought up. Needless to say, Alfred tries to ignore Aaron's existence all together, and will not discuss this topic easily. Alfred needed therapy for awhile until his confidence appeared once again, just in time for World War I.
America's perkiness revealed once more as he eagerly helped England, after a long awhile of not talking too much with him on a friendly basis, by sending him gifts to help him during WWI. A ship called the Lusitania that belonged to England was sunk by a German U-Boat. This made America flip tables and begin to intervene into World War I, assisting the rest of the Allied Powers to back up England, his former fatherly figure and brother after years of bickering. Though, America mainly wanted revenge on Germany instead of helping England like it may of seemed, mainly because American citizens were on board of the ship at the time of the sinking.
Plus, it was time for him to show off after sitting back and chillaxing as he remained neutral during the beginning of World War I.
From 1918-1919, America went into a high state of paranoia caused by the Red Scare. America, stressed and terrified, picked up heavily on drinking at this time, only to eventually put his foot down and stop soon after becoming an alcoholic and becoming a light weight no longer. The Prohibition Era started, and as alcohol was being prohibited, America was quitting drinking to build his strength and confidence. Alcohol wasn't bringing any ease to his stress and was actually making things worse.
Around this time, many Lithuanians traveled to America to live, and so, Alfred adopted an assistant for awhile. Toris Loranaitis came to live with Alfred for a good period, which was a relief to him as he was able to experience some peace away from Russia, who made it evident that America better not do anything to his "ex". Toris and Alfred bonded easily, and by the time of the Great Depression, they helped eachother during this terrible state.
America was bankrupt-- helpless-- sick-- miserable. He refused to get out of bed-- he refused to open his curtains-- he refused to work. To make matters worse, his good friend Lithuania was forcibly taken away and back to Eastern Europe. Alone, scared, broke, sick, depressed-- America found himself heavily depending on his president at the time, Roosevelt, who did everything he could to help America pull through this crisis. It wasn't easy. In fact, it took ten years for America to completely recover from his depression and illness that, once again, was aided by therapy as his citizens were treated with as much help as they could get.
In 1939, America occupied himself by sending gifts to the Allied Powers, aiding them in World War II. However, the Japanese bombing on Pearl Harbor really got under America's skin, and he really just wanted all of this to stop. A part of it was cockiness, revenge and showing off, but a part of it was primarily irritation. He's be a hero and end this war by dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Although it caused World War II to come to a close, it's a sensitive subject to both America and Japan. To this day, it's something else America refuses to talk about, probably because he recognizes what a jerk move it was, fueled by mainly arrogance. It doesn't help he did this after befriending Japan and helping to draw him out of isolation and into the Western world, showing hospitality, only to bomb him in the end. No, America will hardly ever talk about this event in history.
Feeling a bit insecure about himself, America reluctantly established what is known as a "special" relationship with England. Still holding a bit of grudges against the Britons, America wasn't too keen on becoming dependent on him again-- even if it wasn't the same way. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill insisted they share this bond with each other, and often forced the two on outings to get closer as they benefited from military and diplomatic uses the nations produced. America became a bit more accepting of England as a friend, mainly sucking benefits from England, while Arthur had trouble reconnecting to Alfred. With a lot of work, though, they became pretty good allies, leaving things in the past.
Then, in 1947, something amazing happened. America, fascinated with space, discovers the first space ship crash in Roswell, New Mexico. Excited with this discovery, America brings home Mr. Tony, as he calls him, and keeps him a secret for the longest time as his President asked him to. Although Tony's landing here was an accident, the little grey alien often uses America to his advantage without Alfred knowing. The sneak has done numerous tests on Alfred only to wipe his memory later. America, to this day, is still oblivious of these tests, or any dark demeanor Tony has. Thankfully in modern times, Tony rarely performs tests on America-- but it happens every once in awhile. They both appear to be very close, and America considers him nothing but an innocent, curious friend when that really isn't the case. Tony will never admit his plans to anybody-- and nobody knows what he's really planning on doing to America, or Earth eventually.
Not long after this short lived, happy discovery, the Cold War and Second Red Scare begin, putting America in another high state of paranoia. Russia was speaking of plans to harm America, leaving hints here and there of destroying-- or rape-- or beating into a pulp if things and information weren't landing into his hands. America often watched his back during this time-- and the simplest thing would make him jump. England, too, was cautious, but wasn't as visually verbal about it as America. He noticed America's paranoia more than anyone else.
From 1950-1953, America finds himself assisting the splitting of Korea, an unfamiliar person whom he had met back in the beginning of 1900's by a is communication as he explored Korea's waters. Korea was dealing with the threat of Communism too. Call it revenge and bitterness, if you will, as America jumped right in and helped assist South Korea against his Northern twin. Eventually, Russia claimed the Northern half and elected a Communist leader, while America befriended Korea and taught him the ways of capitalism, providing a capitalist president.
That wasn't the only Asian nation dealing with Communism. Vietnam, too, needed help. America assisted her as well to fight Communism in 1959 though a huge 1975 year span, but it ended in defeat, and Vietnam became Communist. During this time, American citizens were either all for war, or polar opposite against it and turned to a peace loving, freer lifestyle.
The Hippie Movement in the late 60's during the Vietnam War took a huge leap away from America's quaint, innocent lifestyle he had been leading to something radically different. Although the Hippie Movement was short lived, it greatly impacted America. The nation representative, himself, was found in a bit of confusion as he bravely fought, but turned around and objected to war. He confused a lot of other nations at this time with his hypocrisy, and when he wasn't seen battling or dealing with the stress, America tried to occupy his mind with a new change of music, turning to parties and rock music for comfort. Along this were also the consuming of recently discovered drugs.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong finally landed on the moon. America sort of went nuts as his ego skyrocketed and he taunted Russia with his archival. To this day, he still does, finding it a huge and fascinating accomplishment.
Short lived ego boost, though. Finally, with the Vietnam War ending in 1975 with an American defeat, America embraced what was left over from the Hippie Movement, and tried to occupy himself in art and mainly music as his confidence shrank a bit. On the flipside, the Space Race finally had ended, but tensions and rivalry between America and Russia ensued.
America developed his culture, technology, art, movies, and other recreational activities as he simmered down abit from the 60's and 70's with the 80's. Angst between Russia was still happening, and America used all of these advancements to get his mind off of the Cold War when need be.
The Persian Gulf War was something else America dealt with, but it came and went in a year's time.
Finally in 1991, the Cold War supposedly "ended" when the USSR collapsed with his own problems, mostly finicial. America is still skeptical of this, seeing as nobody actually "won". It just kind of faded away. He's still very suspicious of Russia and still considers him quite the rival.
America continued to advance in technology and science as he enjoyed peace for about ten years. A handful of Presidents were gradually putting him in debt with their bright ideas that America obliviously went with, namely with China. There was some tension with Communist Cuba in the 90's, but what really alerted America was the attack on New York in 2001. Once again on high alert, he vowed never to let his guard down, he upped his defenses and security to an insane amount, and still is rather paranoid to this day.
Pissed and terrified, America puts his foot down and declares war on Afghanistan, beginning War on Terror and dragging his typical back up along with.
Though, some things cannot be avoided. In 2005, a large hurricane hit America's land mass and put him in a terrible sickness. It took a good while for him to recover, but he still attended his needed meetings when he felt he could, only to distract other with a running noise or obnoxious coughing with a flushed face.
In 2008, America elected President Obama for his boss. Engulfed in his charisma and pleasant way of speaking, America instantly felt tight bonds and hopes for this president. Though, currently, he does not enjoy all of this "change" Obama is eagerly putting him here. It's secretly making him nervous, stressed, and terrified for the future-- but-- Obama reassures him it'll all be alright, and America believes it. Ties with his good friend England are strained a bit as England is unsure of the War on Terror, and America finds himself leaning towards France once more for assistance. Being in debt with China, who is constantly growing his military, isn't comforting-- nor is the nuclear treaties with Russia America is being forced to make as of late.
It will be alright-- right?