Title: A Happy Ending (What Amshel Doesn't Know)
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Blood+
Characters: Nathan, Solomon, a hint of Nathan/Solomon
Words: 300
Notes: Set just before the opera. There are things that Amshel does not know. Another one for Stef.
There are a lot of things that Amshel does not know. For example, he doesn’t know Nathan’s actual age. He doesn’t know that Nathan has a second home in New York City either; an apartment with a view of a thousand lights by nighttime. He doesn’t know that Solomon is alive, if only because Nathan wouldn’t have missed round two of Saya vs. James for the whole world handed over in a gift basket.
Nathan smirks to himself, examining Solomon’s wounds again.
For all his bravado over getting things done, Amshel doesn’t like to get his hands dirty. Nathan, on the other hand, really doesn’t mind. Tearing crystallizing flesh out of Solomon hadn’t been too difficult. Amshel takes things for granted too… if he hadn’t left his brother to die alone as some sort of punishing symbolism; Solomon might not be healing slowly in this apartment with a view of a thousand lights by nighttime.
Amshel is a stone, but there are cracks. Nathan can see them. He sees everything. Really, he can’t help but to laugh as he smooths Solomon’s fair hair before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“You are healing very nicely, you know.” He stands and stretches with an exaggerated yawn. “I’ll see to it you don’t crack up like James either…. Now,” He looks at his wrist where there is no watch. “Would you look at the time!”
Turning back to Solomon, Nathan puts his hands on his hips and simply gazes at the other man for several long moments.
“I have an opera to attend.” Tearing his eyes away, he walks to the window and looks out into the twilight. “It’s a tragic story…” He murmurs, then looks back over his shoulder. “But I’m confident there will be a happy ending.”