Yeah you sounded terrible. Just rest up for jon davis. "virgin" of the night my ass we all know your a freak so stop with the innocent act weti. Take care and feel better love you always.
I think leti is a witch. She tells me shes sick and stuff so a day later i get the fever headaches body pains stomach acid and throwing up blood. BE WARNED!!! Shes armed and dangerous. Please call your local cops DO NOT GET NEAR HER!!. Take care leti and have fun at ozzy fest.
Aww poor sick did you? hehe Ya know I had 'nothing" what so ever to do w/ that... how ya been feeling since the 2nd? I been feeeling like a very beat up paper doll..ozz fest. I took care though..thanx heh ~Star~
Comments 4
I rather die today then live for tommorrow.
I rather die today then live for tommorrow
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