Aaron has been missing. Why has Aaron been missing? Because no one cares!! Does Aaron care that no one cares that Aaron has been missing? No!! Why does Aaron not care that no one cares that Aaron has been missing? Because Aaron doesn't care about those that doesn't care that he has been missing! And why should you care if he cares if you
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Comments 3
and you had this bandana thing around your neck that looked like it was a liquid-fabric
... at first, I read that as, "You had this banana" thing around your neck." ... I was like, "Whoa, I wear banana necklaces, now?" Anywaym crazy stuff.
Yes, we must. We shall. Soon. Whenever, actually. We'll figure it out. I think.
yeah, can;t do anything this weekend, but I've got a half day coming up soon, so maybe then? It's a wednesday
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