May 04, 2004 06:32
i'm really not quite sure about things.
story of my life.
but i do know that MC chris is better than you.
Apr 29, 2004 07:10
i would like to thank you for showing me
a part of myself that i've never seen.
Apr 26, 2004 06:22
i went to my prom.
it was intense.
this summer is sounding very good.
i need to get out of here.
Apr 23, 2004 19:51
smash cut // and i'm back in the lake.
Apr 22, 2004 06:40
um. yeah.
terran moved.
prom is on saturday.
i am not going.
my life seems surreal.
Apr 12, 2004 07:08
yesterday was the first good day i've had in a while,
and not just because it was easter.
i hung out with pig pen, mike, dillon, and sarah.
we bowled. i sucked.
i scored 60 something. with bumpers.
that's skill, kids.
i hadn't seen pig pen in months.
we went to the lake.
we sat on the dock and talked forever.
it was nice.
Apr 06, 2004 06:49
it's been a while.
this is sketchy.
schnetter says its for the best.
i don't even fucking know.
i wish i did.
i'm just real confused.