I e-mailed LTJ today. It just got me thinking as to how some people hit it big. A lot of people do but it is only a small percentage of the world. Think about it. Political people, Actors, Singers, Bands, War Heros, Local Heros. The list goes on. Today you don't have to do much to be famous but in reality I wouldn't want it. I'm happy being the screw up that I am. I don't get why people want money and to be succesful to be happy. Can't you just live with a family that loves you and go to work every day? I know I won't grow up to aspire to much and I know everyone is going to say "You shouldn't think like that" or "Of course you won't if you think like that" but it's the truth. I'm never going to be famous by joining some band. I'm not going to run for president and how often have you heard of a war hero in today's world? I think the media should just SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop getting on Bush's ass. The media is so negative and against this country it isn't even funny. Anywho. I want to know what you people think about me. So comment away. Make it anonomous or sign it. I don't care I just want to know if you like me, if you hate me, or if you just think I'm average. I want to know what you see in me, as in what I'm good at and what I should just not do.