So The Starting Line Concert last night....
So i picked up Julie at 5, made a few stops on the way to the rave and we met up with laura, jen and laura's boyfriend Ryan at McDonalds. Then we had Julie go in their car so they could have VIP parking also. So we got there and got to park directly infront of the rave right next to the Tour Busses. So we got our VIP pass things and put the sticker on which i lost somewhere throughout the night. So we got there and basically walked right up to the door they let you into the rave, it was a bit after 6. So the opened the doors at about 6:15 and we could have easily had front row. but we had vip passes and they closed off the balcony for us so we just walked up stairs. we hung out there for basically the whole night. went downstairs to look at merch a few times and to talk to Sam. One time i went down there to look at merch and kenny was down there standing by himself looking all lonely so i said hi and made small talk. then later laura went down to talk to him about philly/Y100. Saw tom walking around. During further seems forever Matt came up to the VIP area. I like further seems forever but the new singer, not so much. their set seemed to go on pun intended. so finally it was time for the starting line they were realllly awesome. it was a good show. during their set i saw Rob (the rave's picture guy) and so i went down and talked to him. he said that he got an extra ticket for the sold out Taste of Chaos for us. but Sam's mom jsut bought one for $70 or something so it was mine if i wanted it. so i talked to him then went back upstairs and watched the rest of the show. I got a set list after so here it is...
so after the show we went to our cars and got our jackets cause it was FREEZING.
then Kenny came out and the rave security guards were trying to kick him out to the side walk (they can't leave til everyone is off their property) and then they realized he was part of the band and they had to apologize and i loved it. so we talked to him and took pictures and such:
Julie and Kenny
Kenny and I
then we made our way over to Matt who was currently talking to Laura about his Y100 letter.
Matt & Julie
matt and I. it was reallllly windy outside.
then Tom came out.
Tom and Julie
Tom and I
So then we left and got lost on the way home and took this huge detour out to brookfield. but i got us home nevertheless.
Here are other pictures from the night:
Julie and I
Laura, my twin, and I
also i saw tons of people i knew from other shows and such it was crazy. everywhere i turned i was like i know you, oh i know you too! it was fun.
And as for tonight I am going to go see KYLE RIABKO with Sam. (the 17 year old who opened for Ryan Cabrera) and that should be fun, i swear the rave is my second home. so that is about it <3 Erica