(no subject)

Aug 01, 2005 23:22

ok totally pointless but i command all of you Something Corporate lovers to take this survey. just cause i want to read them all.

Everything Something Corporate

Created by fallwayaway and taken 22 times on bzoink!
BasicsWho's your favorite person in SoCo?mmm depends, brian because he has always been the nicest.Favorite song?mmmm Wait, Watch the Sky, if i die, it changes a lotHow long have you liked them?yearsEver been to any of their concerts?yesIf so, when?june 28th, 2004, january 21st, 2005, April 10th 2005, and was supposed to July 1st 2005Ever met any of them?yes, all, multiple timesWere you sad when Will left?yesAre you a member of the flippin sweet soco-online.net forums?yesDon't Gary and Angie rock hard core?sureDo you like Firescape?yesHow about Jacks Mannequin?yesDo you have a copy of ready...break?yesAre you a member of the Fan Klub?yesWhat's your favorite album?Leaving Through the WindowThis or ThatKonstantine or Walking By?mmm tough, i would rather hear Walking By live, cause ive heard Konstantine too much, so Walking By, Konstantine is becoming overratedLeaving Through the Window or North?LTTWSpace or Hurricane?HurricaneIf U C Jordan or Punk Rock Princess?Neither. but if i had to pick punk rock princessDrunk Girl or Straw Dog?straw dogFall or 21 and Invincible?fallAs You Sleep or Down?the 2 verses of down is better than as you sleep but overall, as you sleep.She Paints Me Blue or Globes and Maps?globes and mapsWatch the Sky or Me and the Moon?Watch the sky, but me and the moon is one of my favs as wellThe Astronaut or Good News?the astronautSpin or Babies of the 80's?mmmm babies of the 80's cause the song makes me reminisceLetters to Noelle or Wait?WaitAndrew or Josh? (as in songwriting)JoshClutch or Brian?both but i love brianThis Broken Heart or Unravel?UnravelForget December or Not What it Seems?Forget DecemberCavanaugh Park or When it Goes Down?When it goes downYou're Gone or If I Die?If i dieRuthless or Miss America?RuthlessThe Runaway or Break Myself?Break MyselfOtherWhat's your favorite song by Firescape?His Midas TouchWhat's your favorite song by Jacks Mannequin?Into the AirwavesWhat's your favorite line from a song?the presents just a pleasant interruption to the past --cliche, or all the shiny weather (my screenname)Thanks for taking my survey!Don't forget to keep Andrew in your thoughts andprayers for a speedy recovery from Acute Lymphatic Leukemia."I won't let this get me, I will fight."
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Your Birthdate: April 18

Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity.

There is a humanistic or philanthropic approach to business circumstances in which you find yourself.

You may have good executive abilities, as you are very much the organizer and administrator.

You are broad-minded, tolerant and generous; a compassionate person that can inspire others with imaginative ideas.

Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are apt to be repressed.

There is a lot of drama in your personality and in the way you express yourself to others.

Oddly enough, you don't expect as much in return as you give.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

so anyways, yesterday i went swimming at mccarty and kathryn met me there. it was fun, we were talking to almost all the lifeguards there and we got them in trouble. oops. it was still fun. i wish i worked there.
then we went to noodles and i didnt get anything but i got a free soda cause ali was working :D
then we came here and talked about work for a long time. it was great talking about how everyone we work with is a "hoot". we decided thats the only way to describe them. they are awesome. and we talked about all the drama goin down. that was great fun, all the puzzle pieces coming together. then we went to the people i am house sitting for's house and tried to spy on the hot boys next door. then came home and did lots of myspace junk and more fun.
so this morning she left, actually it was like 1. then i showered threw on my work swimsuit and a pair of strawberry pajama shorts and went to go house sit. so of course i pull up and the hot kid is outside with his friend and im like of course i would see him when im wearing my ugly one piece work suit and pajamas. but oh well. so they were outside playing the whole time i was out there (im watering plants and junk) and then after im pulling out they go inside. haha yeah i hope they are there again tomorrow.
so then it was work time. it was pretty busy.
so i was on the bottom of the slides and this boy comes up to me and hes like do you have a boyfriend and im like uh no? and so the next time he comes down he asks me out on a date! haahahahahha oh man i practically laughed out loud. i just said no. the kid was like 15. haha oh goodness. i also got hit on by an old man and an 11 and 14 year old. hahahah oh man that cool one piece must really be working for me. hahhhh. oh man it was quite the day.
ok im done. work tomorrow and the next day, and the next day and the next day.....you see the pattern. im not off again until next monday. although friday im doing the Bob and Brian Open. haha that will be a hoot. i love the people i work with. dont like golf but should be interesting.
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