The Final Frontier

Sep 24, 2009 03:34


Name/Nickname: Myst
Age: 21

Likes/Hobbies: I have a lot of likes and hobbies. I love reading, theatre and music - I'm generally fond of the performing arts although dance completely eludes me. I love video games, tabletop RPGs, and I'd enjoy stargazing more if it wasn't practically impossible to see them from where I live. (Tall buildings, lots of lights, especially now there's construction work going on opposite...) Oh, and I like feeling smart, so every so often I find the need to go do several puzzles at once. I particularly like stuff where you get to solve murder mysteries - good plot AND puzzle all at once!

Talents: Well, writing. I don't mean just creative writing - I'm pretty good at spotting errors and fixing up essays, so my friends often ask me to edit their stuff. Just things like 'hey, I need another word that means X' or 'the phrasing in Y isn't coming off right, can you find another way to phrase it?' I can sing, too. Sort of. I have a pretty good reaction time, according to my friends who've seen me start out at video games, and according to anyone who's tried playing reflex-based card games with me. I'm good at spotting stuff, but hopeless at searching for something - like, I'll notice very quickly if something's not right, but if something's missing and I have to find it, good luck to me.

Dislikes: I never had any motivation to do anything mathematical. On top of that, I really dislike people who backstab, and I will flip out at wanton cruelty, physical or emotional. I really mean flip out, because the last one is a particularly huge... I'm not sure if you'd call it 'pet peeve', but you get the drift. Oh, and I loathe the fact that I'm relatively prone to motion sickness.


Strong points: I suppose this is separate from 'talents'...? Well, OK. I'm a loyal and intelligent person, and I'm protective of my friends. I'm also compassionate, I guess - I don't like seeing anything being hurt for no rhyme or reason (hence the huge pet peeve). From there I do try to be diplomatic and tactful, but where tact doesn't work a metaphorical hammer to the head does. I can and will improvise if need be, and I'm not too bad at it.

Weak points: I'm stubborn and impatient. I guess you could see the former in a more positive light, but eh, it works both ways, so. The latter is a bit more specific - it's more a matter of expectations. I can and will be patient if I think there is a reason to be patient - for example, I won't yell at a little girl for not learning fast enough. I will, however, get really impatient if someone who I think should be capable of doing something isn't. I'm rather temperamental, and when I'm cranky I get really sarcastic and snippy. (In my better moods, it's called 'ironic, with a good sense of humour'.)

What do other people see you/describe you as?: Snarky, definitely. I once had a friend suddenly ask "Mysti, are you alright?" because I hadn't made any snarky little remarks during the phone conversation. Sometimes I think they think I blame myself too much when things go wrong. I think they also perceive me as intelligent and compassionate (and affectionate towards certain people). On the reverse side, I've been accused of being a 'no' person because I got fed up and bluntly told a guy why what he was doing wouldn't work. I'm not sure if he still thinks I'm a cold-hearted, unappreciative person, because we stopped talking shortly after.

Add "why?" if at all possible.

Mature or Immature?: Ah - mature, I guess, but I do know when to kick back and have fun.
Leader or Follower?: A mix. I don't like being The One In Charge, especially if I think there are better people to lead, but if I think everyone else isn't up to the job I will take over. I generally prefer being in a decently high position, where I can give advice, but I don't want to be the one right at the top of the command chain.
Outgoing or Shy?: Not shy, more reserved, but I warm up when I feel comfortable. When I'm not, I keep to myself a lot.
Confident or Modest?: When I'm certain of myself, I come across as confident. When I'm not, I tend to the modest side. It makes a difference when I don't do something well, because the former tends to result in me blaming myself - "I thought I was good enough! I should have been able to do it, WHY DIDN'T I", and then I resolve to try harder. When it's the second, it can destroy my self-esteem, depending on severity of failure and level of confidence.
Safe or Risky?: Safe. Please. Safe.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?Realist or Idealist?: I'm going to answer these two together, because I think of them all as one whole. I'm not a pessimistic person in general - I do think tomorrow will be a better day, and I guess I'm idealistic in the sense that I do believe that everyone has some good in them. Even if I loathe them. At the same time, I'm not naive. Realistically speaking, I'm not going to see the good side of people all that often, and I recognise that; and while I might hope that luck is on our side, I also try my best to prepare for the worst. I also will tell you if I think something is not realistically possible. So, I guess, optimistic/realistic?
Low, medium, or high energy level?: I average medium, I guess. When I'm really motivated I can go for hours on end - I once spent an entire night pre-cosplay event fussing over everything, working on the details, while simultaneously screaming at ready-to-drop friends to GO SLEEP I'LL WAKE YOU UP LATER. Conversely, put me in a relaxed setting - like, my bed and a nice bedtime read - and I'll drop off in no time.
Listener or Speaker?: Both.
Serious or Playful?: Also both.
Impulsive or Cautious?: More cautious, I think, although I don't discredit intuition. I think intuition is important, and I do go on gut feelings, but I'm not the kind to just rush in, either.


So the Enterprise has been invaded by an outside force and is being threatened unless the captain surrenders the ship. (What else is new?) What would your reaction be in this situation? Would you panic? I'd be stressed, definitely. I'm not sure if I would actually have a panic attack and run around screaming, but I'd be really stressed and worried about everyone, especially those on the ship which I care about. In retrospect, that might well be everyone - I'd just worry about some more than others. I'd probably go find something to do, to make myself useful in the case the worst happens, so I wouldn't be stuck alone and worrying in my quarters.

So now they've got you captured and are threatening you. It's either spill the beans about the secrets of the Enterprise or be killed on the spot. How long does it take for you to reach your breaking point? (Do you have one?) I... don't know. This is one of those 'surrender or die' questions, and it's really a circumstantial thing. They might need me urgently back on the ship, and it might make things worse if I didn't spill the beans and got killed. On the other hand, if it would keep everyone on the ship safe...

And if you were on a ship of some sort, what kind of position (captain, medical officer, security guard, etc.) would you be comfortable with? Medical, probably. I'm almost always the healer when I play MMORPGs, and I generally don't like hurting people, but I will if I have to - I greatly prefer helping them, after all. I don't really want to be the captain, either, because I don't like being at the top of the command chain.

Anything else?: Yeah, uhm. Hi?

Please link the links to the three members you voted on (if available) : Hey, three available, just nice!

chekov, !stamped

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