Who: Sulu, Chekov & Riley
What: Riley bugs the happy couple on the lunch break
Where: The Mess
When: Lunch break
Warnings: None really.
Sulu always liked lunch breaks, for as long as he could remember. He liked interacting with his colleagues on the free time that they had, liked being the social butterfly he tended to be. He used to sit there with different people every day, discussing things completely at random, with either Riley or Chekov present if not both. He loved spending time with his friends when he could, but he found he liked spending time with Chekov in general better. It might have had some part in the decision to accept Chekov's constant half-advances. Now, he liked sitting and eating, talking casually to the russian with the ability to reach over or under the table to hold his hand if he ever wanted to.
Which was exactly what he wanted to do at that moment, staring down at his replicated meatloaf. It was far less appetizing than Chekov, and boy was he appetizing. He wouldn't take their relationship farther, t than it was, though, until they were both over the age of 18. As much as he wanted to, he had principles, and all he would do in their private time was make out. Now, though, they were in public, and hand holding was good enough.