The extranges ways of the Universe

Feb 04, 2009 13:49

Well, after saying hi to everyone, I would like to say that I’m very nervous, because this will be my first entry (although I’m very fond with all your writings). All I can say is that I hope you don's suffer too much reading it. If you discover some enormous error, English is not my native language.

Disclaimer: J M Straczynski, Babylonian Productions ™ and Warner Productions ™ own the rights to all of the characters contained in this story. I’m not having profits from this, is only for entertainment.

This gapfiller develop after Ceremonies of Light and Dark but before Sic Transit Vir.


Sheridan was having one of those days, when the universe strives to show you how absurd it is to believe that you have some kind of control over anything and decides that nothing will come out as you planned in the early morning.

It was already past one o'clock in the morning and he decided to better put on halt, in the end, he wouldn’t be able to finish all the reports that night. He needed some air, well, at least a different air. After all the upheavals- separation from earth, the Nightwatch’s disruptions, Delenn receiving a stab instead of him, confessions…- he was having trouble concentrating in routines tasks.

Sheridan walked slowly down the corridors, not knowing what to do. He decided not to go to the Zen Garden. He supposed at that late hours something he was secretly looking would be missing, so he decided better to go to the Observatory. “It have to have some privilege to be the commander in charge -he thought - at this hours, access is restrict to civilians, so I could search a few minutes of peace”.

Upon reaching the threshold of the observatory, he stopped surprised. Delenn was inside. He observed her in silent, mesmerized. She was standing, lying ahead of the glass supporting her weight on both arms that she putted comfortably on the frame of the window. She had a lost view, as if not focusing in anything in particular from the outside.

In one of those times when the rotation of the ship creates shadows, the glass became a mirror and reflected the smiling figure of the captain. Delenn noticed him and quickly turned around in surprise.

-Sorry Ambassador, my intention wasn’t scaring you- John said, looking embarrassed while entering the room and walking slowly towards her.

-Oh! It’s you, Captain- She said. The face of concern that she was having relaxed in a big smile, accompanied with a lightly blush. -If I may ask, what are you doing here at this hour?

“I could ask you the same Ambassador…but I suppose that the answer would be the same as you”. When saying this, Sheridan was already standing next to Delenn, accompanied her in the window. He still was having a certain fascination and a sense of pleasure from the fact of discover the enigmatic woman there. He smiles broadly at her.

Delenn blushed again and restored the sight to the outside, supporting her in the frame again.

-I was thinking how paradoxical the stars are, captain. As its peculiar brightness makes them so unique that we can recognize them instinctively yet they are mysteriously common, in all parts of the cosmos they exist. In how we are all stars for others, depending on the perspective from witch it’s seen ... the stars make you feel tiny and immediately after immense in wonder of what it means to be an extraordinary sapient being ...

Shaking her head for sharing these intimacies with Sheridan, she raised her eyes again and looked at him. She saw passion reflected in his eyes, burning like two suns, and felt the urge to draw closer to him to warmth her up and shelter her from cold metal.

As reading her thoughts, Sheridan grew closer and continued to looking her in silence.

“You find what you were looking for, John?” Delenn whispered.

-“I found more than I wanted” more than I deserved, and exactly what I needed. And saying this and smiling placed a hand over Delenn’s hands.

Delenn leaned her body against Sheridan’s. The two looked back into space and said nothing more. Sometimes the universe having control over things is not so bad, was the last thing he thought.

babylon 5, j/d, s/d

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