Paul Narita, is it? Sorry, I never bothered to learn your name. That is, until...
Article: "Paul Narita Kisses Sonny Kiriakis." Sit down and stay a while, Paul. ;)
I have not been excited about Days in forever. Not since my Ejami left (*sob*) and Wilson (i.e. Will) became horrible
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Comments 21
You can comment on the Will/Sonny LJ comm we are all for a PaulSon Sexytimes or whatever they give us.
Yes I would love love LOVE Brian to come back I mean Brant's in LA since he's been in the DWTS Auidence so get him back on the show DOOL.
Plus LOOKIE SONNY got his own Promo EEEKK
Sonny Promo for next week
Five months?? That's promising! But my ungrateful heart still weeps at the thought of what we could have had with five months of Brian. *Sobs*
#still not over it lol.
I was thinking about how sensitive people were in the comm about Brian. But maybe it will be different this time? Brian came along when Wilson was still shiny and new. Paul comes after months-- years? has it really been that long or does it just feel that way?-- of dull stasis. Time for a shake-up! Especially since I have a feeling that Will will cheat on Sonny in L.A anyway.
Well they film 5 Months ahead and Christopher Sean (Actor who plays Paul) was tweeting up a storm today.
Yes IKR and I feel you I do *Hugs*
I mean I get being pissed that Wilson aren't on right now but some ppl take it way too far I mean it's a freaking FICTIONAL pairing people some people just need to CALM TEH FUCK DOWN.
Used to be 6lisa. Deleted my lj. Between the boringvile that Wilson become and CM leaving, most fans seems to welcome this. Paul is not getting as much abuse as Brian got.
Maybe, one day, I will stop clinging to the memory of Brian... but it's unlikely. ^^;
I'm glad Paul isn't getting abused as Brian did, but I'm sad that it's because Wilson has been so horribly written for so long that even their own shippers are worn down.
I would looooove to see a true bisexual love triangle go down between Sonny/Paul/Theresa because how much fun would Sonny vs. Theresa be? Unfortunately, Paul keeps pushing that call button to save himself from Theresa, so I guess that's not going to happen. ^^;
I can't wait to see how Adrienne is going to fit into all this.
I am trying soooo hard not to be bitter about Brian lol.
I am so excited to tune in every day now. I can't wait to see how everything pans out with Paul!
I prefer Chandler as well, but even if he were here doing what Will is currently doing, I would be annoyed with him.
I think they are telling that story, but they're doing it without subtlety or sympathy for Will. They've shown that Will is acting out because he feels trapped and unappreciated. I'm thinking of that scene where Will basically said as much to Sonny. I agree that Chandler's Will would have sold the vulnerability and insecurity of a boy married too young and bent on self-sabotage more easily, and it would have broken my heart to watch that play out if it were done right. Instead, Will is coming off as an opportunistic, ungrateful brat. They didn't need to go in this direction in order to set up Wilson's first divorce-- they're a super-couple, so we already know it will only be the first of many to come-- but I'm still wondering if there will be good pay-off for all this.
I'm still a few episodes behind, so I haven't seen Will interview Paul yet. But that headline makes me want to face palm lol. Oh, Will.
Just little correction, Gabi moved in with them after she had the baby and Will was shot. The point stays the same though.
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