Summer Fic Festival! Prompts now closed.

Apr 30, 2008 16:26

Hello all! I'm beatrice_otter. imadra_blue has allowed me to maintain this community for a while. There's been a sad lack of new Star Wars fic on LJ for a few months now, which is particularly sad when you consider we're ramping up for new media canon in the Clone Wars. So we're going to have a fic fest!

ETA: Prompt Submission is now closed.

What’s the point?
To create as many Star Wars fanfics and artworks as possible in a wide variety of genres and eras, and have fun doing it.

Who can participate?
Anyone age 18 and over.

Do I need a LiveJournal?
No. Anyone can submit prompts by commenting on this post; if you wish to claim a prompt but do not have an LJ to post it, let me know in the claim, e-mail the fic to me in .txt form at least four days prior to that claim’s due date, and I will post it for you.

How does it work?
You'll be asked to submit prompts that will later be collected and posted to a master list from which participants will claim. Feel free to submit as many as you'd like. Submitting prompts in no way obligates to participate as a writer or artist. Stories and art will be posted during the month of July. [ALL eras and prompts of all types (gen/het/slash) welcome]

To submit a prompt: Please leave a comment to this post using the following format - [era, character(s): a kink/cliché, fannish trope, or simple plot device - a phrase/word/idea/lyric]. Feel free to include one restriction or thing you don't want to see. Please don’t make it into a full-fledged plot bunny; if you do, I reserve the right to simplify it or split it up to make it easier to write or illustrate. The point of the prompt is to spark an idea, not dictate the fanwork that is to be created.

OT, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader: Luke found as a child-the stars so cold.)

Important Note: the phrase/word/idea/lyrics is not optional, and I reserve the right to add one if you don't provide one. The point is to give the authors some inspiration.

How do I sign up?
You simply need to leave a comment with the prompt you're interested in tackling in the appropriate master list post. Each prompt can be claimed a total of four times (twice for fic and twice for art). You can claim as many prompts as you want, but please don’t claim a prompt if you’re not sure you’re going to write it or illustrate it.

When is my assignment due?
Each prompt will be assigned to a day in July to spread the wealth around. Your response to your prompt should be posted that day.

Writers: How many words am I expected to write?
The minimum is 100 and there is no max.

But I don’t like gen/het/slash/PT/OT/EU/whatever
All stories and art will be clearly marked with genre and era and kept behind lj-cuts. If you don’t like a certain type, just don’t click the link.

Is there anything I can't write or illustrate or vid?
Incest is not allowed. Neither is explicit material featuring minors.

Prompt Submission begins April 30, 2008
Prompt Submission period ends on Friday, May 16
Prompt List goes up on Tuesday, May 20nd
Claiming begins on Tuesday, May 20
Posting begins on July 1st and ends July 31st

So start listing prompts! Things you might want to write yourself, things you wouldn't write but would like to read, things to showcase people and things we don't see much of in fanfic, everything and anything is welcome.

And go spread the word!

admin, faq

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