Okay guys, heres my speech, read it, and be honest and tell me if i should change anything. or if you like/dont like
Like just about every other kid in america, I grew up watching the entire collection of disney movies. I went to Disney Land, *i got the little hat* and as a 4 year old I wore my goofy underoos with pride, of course, when your 18 they are sort of constricting. The weird thing, after years of exposure to Disneys fantacy world, I can't always seperate it from reality. For instance, when i see..... Dennis Rodman, I think the mad hatter. I see Tanya Harding, I think... thumper... Bob Dole is grumpy and the viewers of see-span are sleepy, and Mary M Bary, is dopey, and when i see congress, I think of 101 dalmations because on the hill theres alot of barkin going along from alot of guys with spotted reputations but in the end, all that comes out of it is a bunch of doggie do. Now, my fantaices are esentilally harmless. and theres nothing wrong with disney, i mean, what better place to go to to escape the presures, and demands of real life than Disney World? However, the problem now a days, is we can experience disney world with out even going to Florida, because America has adopted what I like to call "a disney world mentality" one in which we take a dangerous fantasy like approach to solving our problems. As University of Chicago Professor Peter Holemans confirms, we are moving away from a cultrue of reality, and instead imbraced a culture of fantacy. One that doesn'tt deal with tough issues, but instead, seeks to create the illusion that life is smooth and with out rupture, so ladies and gentlemen, carefully step aboard, and allow me to be your tour guide as we visit to our newest.... distractions... the land of ignored reality that we fail to deal with very real problems, and the kingdom of created reality were we can conviently drive, happy endings. now, to truly enjoy a disney world vacation, one must accept the fact that elefants can fly and that ducks can talk, and a beautiful woman can have a romantic relationship with an ugly beast , but ... enough about my love life. ignoring realtity works in a fantacy land, however in a real world, its fatal. Our first step, Laguardia Airport, as we reported in the New York daily news for six years, airport authorities attempted to lengthen a runway that was 3,000 feet shorter than required.However, they met with opposition from enviornmentalists that wanted to protect mother nature at all costs. The talks continued, the flights continued, they argued by nearby waterways. In the meantime, planes fell in them.During those six years, there were three seperate accidents twenty-nine people were killed, and fifty-nine were injured. Lost in amaze of economics, polotics and negotations, the reality of the passengers lives, was ignored, and unfortually where commercial industry leaves off, our government picks up. In 1993 a string of fire swept in Malibu. According to the LA times, the National Guard, realizing that fires do burn, was ready. With two super tanker fire-fighter planes to control the blaze, but because of a regulation designed to avoid competition with private industry, during this emergency the government first took the time to offer contracts to private aircraft opperators. Thirteen fires raged for Twenty-Four hours, before the national guard was given permission to fly. Now in the world of disney, Bambi escapes the fire. However in this real-world fire, threehundred and fifty homes and three people didn't. Unlike Disney World, where life and death is not an issue and the biggest conflict is picking between a sno-cone and a funnel cake, the real world demands that we asses risks, set priorities, and take action, action, we seem unwilling to take.
And as, our tour continues, we enter our second attraction.the kingdom of created reality, a land in which we will distort reality to get disney like happy endings.For example, film star Damean (sp?) Moore thought she had a very decent proposal, when she and filmmakers decided to change the ending to Nathaniel Hawthorns classic "The Scarlett Letter". After reading the script, Moore decided that Dins Dales death, was a real downer! So instead she had him ride off with Hester into the sunset, in her words, the ultimate message of Hester Prinn would have been lost if we stayed with the original ending. We seem to believe, if we dont like something the way it is.. we can just alter it with the wave of a pin and a bipidey-bopity-boo...and its also true at our next stop our educational system. According to the Wall Street Journal, in the ratings game, schools will create the illusion of greatness, by fabricating data. The Univeristy of South Florida. for instance, managed to raise its average of SAT scores, by 40 points, by... simply dropping the bottom 6 % of its students. Driving realtity in the classroom, is one thing. However driving reality with a cancer patient, is another. In time magazine, Professor Benjamin Blech recalls with anger, watching the death of his best friend, Sam, who had been sold by the aposatles of new-age-ism. That he could cure his cancer with the magic of positive thinking that if he wanted it badly enough, Mary Poppins style miracles, could happen. As a result, Sam could not forgive himself for his illness. He felt, he was a failure: as a husband, and a father, because he could not simply, will his cancer away. Too often, we believe we can send our problems off to "never never land." Why is it that Americans are so out of touch with reality that they spend 100 million dollars a year to have their problems solved by the "Physic friends Network" and why is it, that solutions seem so illusive, that rather face reality? Every 26 seconds, a child will run away. and every day, 6 teens will commit suscide. As Peter Holeman states, "Reality deals with tough issues, of struggle, power and loss. It asks something of us, makes demands." We seem to forgotten some of the greatest rewards come from the conquering of conflicts and hardships. And although the culture of fantacy asks, nothing of us. It gives us nothing in return, and leaves us with false hopes, empty truthes, and amaze of unsolved problems and unacceptable solutions.
So, how exactly do we pull ourselves down from the top of space mountain and plant our feet back in the real world? Ironically, we can learn from Walt Disney. not the illusion he created, but the realistic means he used to bring the illusion to life. Confronted with bankrupsy, Technological barriers, and harsh critics, Walt never lost sight of his dream. when even his wife asked him "Why do you want to build an amusement park? They're so dirty" he said... "Thats just the point. Mine wont be." and from orange grows, and swamp land. Walt Disney created a kingdom.His answers, which can be ours, are simple. First, we must face issues directly, rather than distance ourselves from them, because only then we can begin to resolve problems, rather than resign ourselves to them. Secondly we should not allow of what is... and what should be. We can still wish for happy endings, as long as we work to make them a reality. As the nineteeth- century philosopher Henry David Thurough stated, " There is nothing wrong with building castles in the air... now put the foundations under them"
Ladies and Gentlemen, your tour has come to an end. I ask that you remember to take with you, your mouse ears, your memories, and the message. That the true rewards in life do not come from going to Disney World, it comes from the magic kingdom we create, by living in the real world... together.