Octopussy by
marita_c &
nanfreak Jack/Ianto, NC-17, ~3000 words.
In which Jack is sexy even with tentacles.
The Justice League Of Cardiff Is A Stupid Name by
sam_storyteller Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Superman, Batman, PG, ~2700 words.
In which Jack pwns Superman even with his pants on.
Torchwood Goes Watercolor by
canaana Jack, Team, Others, PG, ~1200 words.
In which Jack Harkness and Porky Pig meet, flirt, say goodbye, and are reunited.
Untitled by
misswinterhill Jack/Ianto, G, ~200 words.
In which the boys are still together 5 billion years on.
Welsh for Beginners by
derryderrydown Jack/Ianto, Teen, ~600 words.
In which Jack likes Welsh. A lot.
Item Eight by
laligin Team, PG, ~970 words.
In which Torchwood has bats in the attic cellar.
999,999 by
astraplain Jack/Ianto, G, ~2700 words.
Where Jack learns that it is possible to have too much of a good thing.
The Archivist by
adina_atl Jack/Ianto, G, ~2300 words.
In which Myfanwy is bigger on the inside.
Marvin's Adventures in US Politics by Meg
Jack/Ianto, Others, PG, ~2500 words.
In which Jack's jealous ex takes over the world.
W-Section by
basingstoke Jack, Ianto, OCs, M, ~950 words.
In which Jack has an alien love-child.
Trying to Communicate by
sam_storyteller Team, OC, PG, ~1700 words.
In which Torchwood can has a visitor.
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