(no subject)

Dec 13, 2011 17:23

((Cold... Why did it feel so cold all of a sudden? Discedo sparkled under her new dress, bitter and sharp as she had ever been. It was a terrible time to appear out of nowhere, especially with so little worn. Deep in the city, two people lay, one propped against a street lamp, the other strewn across the ground.

She, a pink headed girl, lay on the ground a minute. She curled uncomfortable, half reaching for a blanket to pull over her. The ground... Huh?)) Wait, how did I get here? ((she sits up,looking around her)) Snow... but how--Naruto!! ((she gets up and rushes over to him, shaking him more desperately than she intended.)) Naruto! Wake up; Hey, c'mon.

Five more--[ The shaking woke him, and he blinks, confused. Why was... ] Oi Sakura why're you here? [ Naruto seems to realize something is wrong, because he jumps up quickly, looking around. The better question: Where was 'here' and why was it so damn cold? ]The hell?

((Standing with him)) I wish I knew. Come on, we should probably figure out what's going on here. I guess we could start in this direction....

Yeah...tch.[ He moves to walk towards where she'd suggested, but stops and bends down to pick the communicator up. ] Oi oi what do you think this is--'use this'? Is it a radio or something?

Here, let me see.

((Audio; Japanese))
This is weird; I wonder who left it here?

Haha probably some guy too afraid to face us on his own.

I guess so. Hey, here's another one. ((Here, Sakura's feed starts)) Excuse me! This is Haruno Sakura. If there's anyone on this frequency, could you please answer? ((a beat)) We should keep moving. Maybe we'll find something else.

Oh! You know, we'd cover more ground with some of my shadow clones, yeah?

[ ......... ]

Shit! The hell is this? I can't use my Chakra! [ Maybe freaking out. A little. ]

...... This can't be a good.
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