fun stuff

Feb 28, 2005 09:23

(x) - done
(_) - haven't done

(_) ever smoked marijuana
(x) been drunk- lmao
(x) kissed a member of the same sex
(_) crashed a friend's car
(_) stolen a car
(_) been to Japan
(_) played mailbox baseball
(x) ridden in a taxi
(_) been in love
(_) been dumped
(x) shoplifted
(_) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
(x) kicked someone's butt
(x) snuck out of my parent's house
(x) ever had a crush on someone of the same sex
(_) ever dated someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(_) been arrested
(_) made out with a stranger
(_) stole something from my job
(_) celebrated new years in time square
(_) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(_) had a crush on a teacher
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(_) been to Europe
(x) skipped school (lol)
(_) slept with a co-worker
(_) been married
(_) gotten divorced
(_) had children
(_) seen someone die
(_) been to Africa
(_) had a crush on one of my Live journal friends
(x) slapped someone I loved
(_) Driven/flown over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/fetish ball
(_) Been to Canada
(_) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
(_) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(_) Thrown up in a bar
(_) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) Eaten Sushi
(x) Been snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
(x) Been moshing at a concert
(x) had real feelings for someone you knew only online
(x) been in an abusive relationship
(_) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
(_) lost a child
(_) gone to college
(_) graduated college
(x) tried killing yourself
(x) taken painkillers
(_) love someone or miss someone right now
(_) walked a tightrope along train tracks
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (i do it all the time)
(x) made a snow angel
(x) had a tea party
(x) flown a kite.
(x) built a sand castle
(x) gone puddle jumping
(x) played dress up
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
(x) gone sledding
(x) cheated while playing a game
(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/school
(_) climbed a volcano
(_) used a fake id
(x) gone ice skating
(x) watched the sun set
(_) felt an earthquake
(x) touched a snake
(x) slept beneath the stars
(_) ridden on a camel
(x) climbed a mountain
(x) played ‘clue’
(x) had a sleepover
(x) been tickled
(x) seen a UFO
(x) told a lie
(x) been robbed
(x) been misunderstood
(x) been fishing
(x) snuck into a movie
(_) consulted a psychic
(x) petted a reindeer/goat (ok reindeers and goats are toootaly different)
(x) won a contest
(x) been to a zoo
(x) seen your dad cry
(_) run a red light
(x) been suspended from school
(x) been in a car accident
(x) had braces
(x) felt like an outcast
(_) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) had deja vu
(x) touched a starfish
(_) danced in the moonlight
(x) hated the way you look
(_) jousted/sword fought/jedi light thingys
(x) witnessed a crime
(_) been spit on by a llama
(x) pole danced ONLY FOR FUN!
(x) met anyone famous
(x) questioned your heart
(x) been to the circus
(_) been to jail
(x) laughed during a sad scene in a movie/tv show
(x) played with an etch a sketch
(_) eaten caviar
(x) been obsessed with post-it notes
(x) hated your computer
(x) owned a pet
(x) made a banana-split
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
(x) been lost
(_) had a midnight picnic
(_) been to the opposite side of the country
(x) swum in the ocean
(x) felt like dying
(x) cried yourself to sleep
(x) laughed in the middle of church
(_) stepped on a nail so that it went into your foot
(x) made homemade ice cream
(x) actually enjoyed your classes
(x) used a magic 8 ball
(x) made a flower chain necklace or other type of jewelry
(x) played cops and robbers
(x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils
(x) seen a moose up close
(x) sung karaoke
(x) paid for a meal with only coins
(x) done something you told yourself you would never do
(x) played air guitar
(x) tripped up the stairs
(_) had a crush on a family member
(x) made a mud pie
(x) made prank phone calls
(_) seen a broadway show on broadway
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) danced in the rain
(x) written a letter to Santa Claus
(_) been kissed under a mistletoe
() watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(x) blown bubbles
(_) made a bonfire on the beach
(x) crashed a party
(x) gone rollerskating
(_) cut down a christmas tree
(_) play p dittle wtf is this?
(x) had a wish come true

1. your full name?
holly anastasia herzog

2. grandparent's first names?
beveryly and robert (dads side) joanne and thomas (moms adoptive parents)

3. what songs do you sing in the shower?
any ashlee simpson songs or hilary duff songs. or sometimes old school GC. or rancid. hell i will sing anything

4. what did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?

5. when and why did you last vomit?
dont remember

6. what's in your pockets right now?
some loose change and a card to go to lunch early

7. what color are your bedroom walls?
purple and black and white

8. last thing that made you laugh?
really laugh? i dont remember

9. nicknames your parents call you?
my dad calls me hollyboo, hollybean, boo, and beanie. yeah shut up. he has been calling me it forever

10. best bed sheets you had as a child?
? maybe it was poohbear

11. favorite childhood pet?
jose my ballpithon

12. any pets now?
sid, angel, skimbles, tabby, fishies

13. others describe your ass as?
they dont. or i punch them.

14. do you like your teeth?

15. inny or an outty?

16. things you shout to stupid drivers?
fuck you

17. favorite bathroom?
um i dont know

18. bake or broil?

19. black olives or green olives?

20. what kind of phone do you own?
cell phone

21. what's one of the strangest things you ever chewed on?

22. is your music kept in a particular order?
yes. im very wierd about keeping my music organized.

23. where do you get your film developed?
usually dont take pictures but eckerds. now CVS

24. if your skin could be any color of the rainbow, what would you choose?

25. where did you go to pre-school?
lots of places

26. strangest drug experience?
energy pills

27. favorite weather?
spring when its like hot/warm and sunny

28. describe your fingernails?

20. last time you went to the hospital?
i dont remember. hospitals suck. they are dirty

30. worst injury you've ever had?
never really had anything bad happen to me.

31. how do you like your chocolate?
resses, butterfinger, milk chocolate, anything chocolate is good for me

32. favorite kind of tape?
um clear?

33. favorite thing to write or draw with?

34. last movie you rented?
cellular (it was shit)

35. last movie you went to see?

36. were you a thumb sucker?

37. how old are you?

38. What are your dreams like?

39. what are you hallucinations like?
um dont hallucinate. but when i do its benji madden cause he is hot

40. worst hotel you've ever been in?
ek too many to chose from

41. best vacation?
new york

42. what languages can you speak?
english and some spanish
43. favorite house?

44. favorite mode of transportation?

45. favorite place to swim?

46. last porno you saw?
busty cops

47. last song you listened to?
lars fredericksen and the bastards: marie marie

48. favorite kitchen utensil?

49. favorite driving songs?
ashlee simpson songs.

50. what will you be doing tomorrow?
school. nothing. and more nothing. then sleep.

man i love those things
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