I am, obviously, the coolest, best, most awesome friend in the universe,
cheese_on_sauce. So, I am making a list of the fics you owe me because as you can see from the various posts I've made, I finish all your fics. Except when I don't :D
1. That Han Geng/Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun.
2. That Jonghyun/Minho + Key that you insist on making jonghyun/key/minho and that I am perfectly okay with as long as I get it. NOW.
3. That Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi that you posted the first part to.
4. That onho you were talking about the other time where Jonghyun is super sneaky and tries to set them up. Or, if that's not you then WRITE IT. But, I know you owe me some kind of onho.
Look. I even use your favorite icons when I post stuff that's meant for you.