
Dec 04, 2003 07:31

1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

brokencrayons December 5 2003, 11:03:18 UTC
1. [megzan; cause your my lil tarzan superherO]
2. [very lOveable]
3. [since 6th grade?]
4. [when seems to excape me at the moment lOl but i think in the locker room?]
5. [you were a snott]
6. [naw !! your toO swe3t and lOveable]
7. [hmm .. ::thinks:: CARLOS]
8. [eventually .. if you ever get over ^him]
9. [friends, CARLOS, money, CARLOS, cliff, CARLOS, scott, CARLOS]
10. [family, CARLOS, school, CARLOS]
11. [the cat in the hat.. lmao]
12. [a hugg ::huggles you::]
13. [pretty well .. i guess =)]
14. [dayum, where you at? thursday]
15.[maybe, if i could remeber ..]
16. [YESH !! **cough-manda rangel-cough**]
17. [best-friend-i-tell-everything-too-and-i-can-do-anything-with .. lmao]
18. [storonger.. than yesterday .. lalala.. lOl]
19. [yesh, youre a good listener, and a better talker.. we should have 2 moufs and 1 nose so we can talk more a listen less]
20. [oo ooo can i can i can i ?!?!?!?!]


brokencrayons December 7 2003, 12:27:46 UTC
megzan where yOu at ? and why does your ma hate me ?


lickablelipz December 7 2003, 17:15:22 UTC
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. meggus cause tha is what i call you
2. Am I loveable? some of the time lol
3. How long have you known me? sicne 6th grade .. but feels like forever don`t it ?! lol
4. When and how did we first meet? st james dance
5. What was your first impression? I HATE THAT BIZNAOTXCH !
6. Do you still think that way about me now? of course ! .. NOT
7. What do you think my weakness is? babyz , carlos , ME lolol
8. Do you think I'll get married? hmmm ... probally a couple times
9. What makes me happy? ME , friends , music , boyz
10. What makes me sad? carlos , lost , death
11. What reminds you of me? beach
12. If you could give me anything what would it be? your own private beach
13. How well do you know me? to your very last freckle!
14. When's the last time you saw me? thursday .. talked to you saturday
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? a couple times :: s i g h s ::
16. Do you think I could kill someone? oh yeahh !
17. Describe me in one word. fantabolous18. Do you think our ( ... )


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