SPN 3.11

Feb 16, 2008 05:24

I get all tingly when you take control like that - I GET ALL TINGLY WHEN DEAN SAYS STUFF LIKE THAT. Even if it's a joke. Oh, Wincest, oh, bottom!dean...

Actually, that should have been the tagline for the episode, 'Oh Wincest' because the basic premise was 'guys...you're really way too close.' Not that simple, of course, but definitely a part of the larger theme. And of course, no one will forget THE HUG to end all HUGS.

I don't understand how this was meant to be a side episode, though, and I'm really curious as to how they're going to deal with Sam's emotional status if the next episode was supposed to come before this one.

What I liked especially about this episode was the way it dealt with death and the acceptance of it. Not that Sam should necessarily accept that he can't break Dean's contract, but that he should accept the fact that Dean eventually will be dead because that's what people do. They die, it's essentially the great equalizer. I mean, as a fan you watch and of course you think, 'Sam and Dean, they're the heroes, they're better than everyone else around them they shouldn't have to die, of course they should be allowed to fuck with the natural order of things that way' but the point has always been that Sam and Dean aren't any better than anyone else, that that's what makes their willingness to fight so amazing.

They vanquish that which is human but refuses to accept the limitations of mortality, that's what's evil on the show. Demons are essentially bad not because they can't love or feel but because they have no problem with racking up human collateral for kicks. And speaking of, I like that they delved into the effect John's treatment really had on Sam. Dean, I think, can't help but value human life the way he does because he was always taught to value Sam's life above his own, he can't help but notice things like the blond girl because he always had to notice Sam. But Sam's attitude comes in direct contrast to that because he was always the boy king of the family, always treated as though he was better than Dean, always treated as though what he wanted counted more than what the only other person who was always around did.

It's like really exaggerated older sibling/younger sibling syndrome, so clearly someone on the show's working out their issues here.

Anyway, he says that he can't stand to watch Dean die, but the thing is, one day he might because that's just the way life goes. I actually don't think Dean's dying on Wednesday was the Trickster for that very reason, but I talk about that more below.

My friend had a problem with the Tricker's infinite power, but I think that was kind of the point. Knowing how much he could do wasn't as important as seeing what he would do, which I think was the message for Sam. If he is to become ultra-powerful, if he is going to become the boy king, he must learn what Uncle Ben (yes, the rice) once taught Toby Maguire Peter Parker, 'with great power comes great responsibility.' As a god, the trickster passes a kind of judgment which, though repugnant in that it's judgment, at least has its own rules and a kind of justice to it. It's why Dean was allowed to dig his style. Ruby's shown us that it's not where power comes from that counts but how you choose to use it. There's that mirror there, with Bobby, of the scene in AHBL2 where Dean admits he thinks so little of himself he's sold himself for Sam, only here, Sam's admitting that he cares so little for human life that he's willing to take it to save Dean. In both scenes you get the 'he's my brother' statement, and in both cases, the brother refuses to back down.

Which actually makes me wonder. If this trait in Sam is really what would make him go dark, is it possible that Dean never could? That the sacrifice itself could protect him? After all, John's soul wasn't tarnished from his stay down there.

I remember reading a fanfic once where the kid from 3.02 goes to find Sam, who's become this terrifying, powerful evil force that's ravaged most of the United States. And the kid asks him why and Sam says it's because Dean's gone to heaven, and heaven refuses to give his soul back. No matter how much he destroys, he can't keep Dean forever.

It was a Wincest fic and (I thought) a bit of an exaggeration at the time, but watching this episode, I'm not so sure. And not just because it was Wincesty as all hell, either (message: you love each other to an unhealthy extent, NO REALLY. And half the time, they really did sound almost like lovers). And I'm wondering; why is it that both times Sam asked the Trickster for Dean back, he got him, no harm no foul? The Trickster always seemed like an in-and-out kind of guy, gets one job done and moves on; Sam he strung along for months in order to prove a point and then just...dropped it? Because it 'stopped being fun'? Was he really responsible for Dean's dying in the parking lot, or was that just coincidence? It makes me wonder what kind of sway Sam could have over the guy. Or if he doesn't have sway over the guy, whether he holds some sway over Dean's soul. That hug at the end, Sam's aggression in the face of Dean's passivity, pretty much everything in the episode screamed you are mine (oh, Wincest, sweet Wincest). And I can't help but wonder - wouldn't that be a neat twist to it all, if the person holding the contract in the end is Sam himself.

Random shit

- I am sure the episode paid tribute to Groundhog Day in ten million little ways but I have not seen the movie (though I have seen 'Monday') so don't be surprised if I take a tribute and try and turn it into something more.

-DEAN'S LITTLE DANCE AT THE BEGINNING MADE ME SO HAPPY YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! No, actually, I loved it, he seemed so much more alive than he has recently. Or maybe I've just been looking at too many pictures of depressed Jensen, I don't know.

-The ax. It was thrown in there quickly but it was the one time where Sam actually killed him. Ironically, while trying to save him. Cain and Abel? Foreshadowing? Just a funny gag?

- "You peed yourself." I laughed because I'm a terrible person. THERE WERE REALLY JUST TOO MANY FUNNY LINES TO NOTE, OK? Jensen makes amazing faces. My favorite death was the dog for no reason I can really think of except that labs get such a good rap.


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