Alright, so, I watched the episode...and then started with the drinking, so, I'm just gonna do a rundown of squee moments now and my actual review later:
I'm not sure I believe Sam and Ruby are sleeping together because a) since he's got so much power over her right now anyway, that would just put Sam beyond despicable and b) it was waaaaay too obvious a conclusion to jump to. Then again, there was that near-rape scene near the middle of the episode that coulda paralleled it, so...and if what Ruby's looking for in Sam is someone to protect her against all of the evil she's pissed off, if she's looking for a kindred spirit, someone who walks the line like she does, I could see her doing anything he wanted. The tiny emotional element to Ruby that they pull off so nicely is something I love about her because it keeps you guessing.
Oh. And I SO CALLED Dean going after Ruby before he went for Sam.
I kind of like the idea that Ruby's schlepping people to the hospital for him has something to do with his, 'it doesn't matter what you are, it only matters what you do' because if anyone embodies that statement the most (and I don't think it's at all true across the board, it's too black-and-white, and I think Sam's totally going back to his powers before the season's over, the point is just that he chose) it's Ruby. You know, more than certain OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT PEOPLE WHO I WILL NOT MENTION IN THIS POST BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT IN THE EPISODE.
Either way, jealous!Dean? Ten kinds of adorable until he started throwing punches. Ten points to chasingtides I totally believe your wincest meta. :D
'If I didn't know you, I'd want to hunt you.' So, so SO Gordon. And the way Dean suddenly believed in God dictating things there totally brought in the guy Gordon was going around with before he died. Either ways, IT WAS PAINFUL.
That KY joke. Was Dean insinuating that Sam was gay or that he just jerked off a lot or that that's where he and Jared keep the lube?
If I were pregnant and my husband just jumped me like that? Yeah, hightailing it for the hills.
Oh, SPN and your lame, lame jokes. He looks like he's peeing as he waters the yard. Tee-hee, tee-hee. XD
It's interesting that physical hunger was the evil perpetrated here since that's Dean's vice. Not Sam who's only eaten once in his life if we're to believe the show...
SAM'S EAGER EYES WERE BACK THIS EPISODE!! I had been telling a friend, 'remember that cute earnest look Sam used to get on his face that I can't recall because he hasn't done it since like midway through season three?' IT WAS BACK and I wanted to hug him just for that.
I say this like every review in some shape or form but...Jensen is so breathtakingly gorgeous it sometimes blows my mind. Actually, when he was lying there unconscious next to the flesh-eating MotW, my heart did that little fluttery thing. My heart like never does that thing. If that's how Jensen looks when he sleeps..Jared's so tapping that.
As usual, SPN pushed the gore-meter here, but I wasn't really that bothered by it. Maybe I'm just becoming immune. Or maybe I was too busy laughing about that really neat trail of blood. Either way, I thought the most disturbing scene was the near-rape.
I loved the shot of Sam just looking at himself in the window. I don't think he's done with the powers, we're only four episodes in and that's the kind of decision you generally make closer to the end if you plan to stick with it (unless the special effects guys came to Kripke with some Very Bad News regarding their budget). It was a call I think he had to make because he was defining too much of what he was doing by what he was, but I think that now that it's made and Sam completely owns those can't just be dropped. He's learned what he's learned for a reason and he is what he is for a reason and also....I just like to be right. XD
Fucking frat boys are screaming outside my window. And if I were not in fandom, that would not have just made me laugh, but it did. C'est la vie; mind, meet gutter.
More later.