I'm starting a new weekly series. It should last until I run out of shows that I watch that I know you're not watching, meaning it'll probably last about three weeks. But anyway, here goes.
*Brain shut down and proceeded to stare at the Goth Gal with green tips* Can't think now... o.o
Hey, the second guy from the left looks super mega ultra GOOD, doesn't he? I don't get why men don't dress like that all the time- waistcoats, fedora hats, pinstripes, button-down shirts... why?! They look so good in them ('specially darker skinned men, don't you think so?)
Green tips is Kenzi, the amazing! You'll love her, I promise. She's hot and totally self-reliant which is rare in both a human on a sci-fi show and also a woman in general (sadly).
And guys do look good dressed up, yes. Too bad we weren't around about 60 years earlier (or maybe that's a good thing...dark skin wasn't so great to have then. :/)
That kinda fashion kinda made a comeback at my college. Maybe it's just that I hang around unbelievably square people, or maybe it's cause I live in New York. ... But then I go visit my cousin and she has the TV on with shows like Teen Mom and I'm like "I DON'T WANT TO LIVE ON THIS PLANET ANYMORE" Take me away, internet! ~<3 You're my only friend.
work--->home for net---->work----->home for net. No detours. Keeps a body sane.
I'll need to check this out at some point. Hot bisexual succubus with funny lines? Hello!
I'd been thinking about doing posts off this nature recently... but about the only things I watch these days are cartoons, internet shows and the occassional cop drama, so I doubted anyone would care. :/ However, if I did decide to go ahead, would you sue me for plagiarism? ^^;;
This sounds interesting! I suck at watching shows, though, I always get sucked in and then miss an episode and then can never get around to picking it back up again. Which is why it sucks so hard not being able to watch Spn, it's the only show I actually still want to catch up on but can't quite bring myself to. I may try and track this down, though. You always rec the good stuffs.
Hey - Lost Girl is all online! Watch at your leisure.
I actually need to catch up on SPN, too, but it is really hard given how many eps I missed. But I would say this - probably all of season six is really contained in the back 6 or 7 eps. The ones I saw were relevant, I guess, but only in building momentum for the big reveal which you weren't supposed to see coming.
Comments 12
Hey, the second guy from the left looks super mega ultra GOOD, doesn't he? I don't get why men don't dress like that all the time- waistcoats, fedora hats, pinstripes, button-down shirts... why?! They look so good in them ('specially darker skinned men, don't you think so?)
And guys do look good dressed up, yes. Too bad we weren't around about 60 years earlier (or maybe that's a good thing...dark skin wasn't so great to have then. :/)
work--->home for net---->work----->home for net. No detours. Keeps a body sane.
I'd been thinking about doing posts off this nature recently... but about the only things I watch these days are cartoons, internet shows and the occassional cop drama, so I doubted anyone would care. :/ However, if I did decide to go ahead, would you sue me for plagiarism? ^^;;
And no, I don't mind, lol. It's not like I have a copyright on it or something. I just thought it'd be fun!
I actually need to catch up on SPN, too, but it is really hard given how many eps I missed. But I would say this - probably all of season six is really contained in the back 6 or 7 eps. The ones I saw were relevant, I guess, but only in building momentum for the big reveal which you weren't supposed to see coming.
I want to thank you for getting me into Sherlock;I'm now obsessed:)
I even made a post:http://evileve18.livejournal.com/13966.html
I made a post about a new Adam Lambert song If you're interested:http://evileve18.livejournal.com/14195.html
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