Jun 16, 2010 17:30
- 11:11 Mark Cavendish can't hold a line, maybe need training wheels? #
- 11:19 Jailbroke iphone 1st gen and windows 7 64bit same install, new hardware = itunes corrupts iphone. Restore, rejailbrake, unlock, restore ... #
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Jun 15, 2010 17:30
- 10:32 And in the Olympic Cup games, it's Zeus 1 Jesus 0 #
- 13:07 arms and back hurt after working out last night. Need to get back into shape for Cyclecross season. #
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Jun 14, 2010 17:30
- 21:23 Ban the Vuvuzela. If I wanted to hear 100,000 angry bees I would not be watching the World Cup. #
- 09:12 streaming in WC in spanish from univision, can't follow the game by the crowd cheers and chants because of the damn vuvuzelas. #
- 12:58 RT @CobraCommander: Air dropping a million Vuvuzela horns over S. Africa last week was a success. Try
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Jun 12, 2010 17:30
- 21:22 Tomorrow Argentina with Messi vs Nigeria. Should be good. And us vs England. #
- 15:36 USA might just pull out a draw #
- 16:45 Looks like a good change then that US will move out of the group stage. But no change past 16. #
- 16:55 RT @wilw: But let's be honest, USA fans: we pretty much got the draw because Rob Green rolled a 1 on his save vs.
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Jun 11, 2010 17:30
- 05:15 good night, Al Scorch rocked, the Dock was fun, good night for bikin' home. #
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Jun 10, 2010 17:30
- 07:25 Did Bing buy google, or did google finally jump the shark? #
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Jun 06, 2010 17:30
- 20:18 river canoed, left over Biryani consumed, shower soon, and then sleep or bike? #
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Jun 04, 2010 17:30
- 15:14 The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing is the bank that will put the Punk back into SteamPunk. Been listening to nothing but them. #
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Jun 01, 2010 17:30
- 09:51 Back from long weekend in Detroit for Steampunk expo. Good times, cool bands. Inspired to finish Steampunk stormtrooer for DragonCon now. #
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May 26, 2010 17:30
- 05:52 @ cmcmahon ya know in Happy Days they really did jump a shark! Best episode ever!! #
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