Days BehindAuthor:
staticsintheairGenre: RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: M for language
Word count: 52,474
Warnings: There’s some pretty insulting words in here, and most are said by CMM. Also, tons of bad words, but you can blame that on Christian Kane.
Summary: It’s a love story with a twist, of the mechanical tail variety. Jensen is in a kiddy-band a la Imagination Movers. Jared is the Sportscaster he has a crush on from afar. Thanks to the fact that Christian Kane is pissed that he’s a Zebra, they meet. What will happen when Jensen tries to keep his life private while Jared does the same?
Artist Notes:First I would like to thank the mods at
spn_j2_bigbang for organizing the madness that is bigbang. I would also like to thank
tardistenantsue for reading my mind and writing this story without even knowing each other.
Artist Notes x2: All images that were used were found via google searches. The font that was used I found on
Artist Notes x3: I should also mention that the adorable children used in the banner are curtsy of
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