as much as i was opposed to seeing the Transformers movie.. i went ahead and see it, to see what ppl have been ranting about.. i'll break it down to pro and cons
+ little fanboy things
when sam bought bumblebee, the new camaro bumblebee was parked beside the old school volkswagon beetle and the bumblebee air freshner in the camaro... not to mention the slogan on barricade "to punish and enslave:.. :D
+ internet related jokes were fucking gold.. best lines as i recall were
barricade: are you ladiesman217??... who is selling ebay item xxxxxxx
sam: how did you learn our language?
optimus prime: the internet
+ the Decepticons were badass
+ Megan Fox!!!
- i think it was trying too hard to be everything... slapstick comedy, action and teen coming of age flick...
- jazz was useless and smaller than bumblebee... >_< ... jazz was my fav autobot btw... however there are rumours that "jazz will be rebuilt in the possible sequel as a tougher frame.Maintaining the movie look, but with a different color scheme andslight modifications. It is suspected that his restoration is possiblewith the fragment of the Allspark found in Megatron's chest once he is killed."
- camera was so close to some of the fight screns it went so fast... so close that it didnt reallly do much of a effect, but more like they were hiding the details
- not enough megatron
- unnecessary momentum killing elements
anthony anderson's character and roles was pretty much useless as it lead to nothing
and the creme de la creme of my distaste for the flick was
- the cinematography around the Transformers is so sloppy, that I never really got to take in the awe of giant robots fighting each other. I got lots of sweeping majestic shots of aircraft carriers, the hooverdam etc. But very little of the actual robots.... ugh, Michael Bay stop moviing the camera around so much and just let me marvel in the awesomeness of giant robots!... i wanted more but didnt get it.. and stop the useless explosions.. :S
i can live with the plot holes, new interpretation of how they look and all but it was to "metal organic" think swamp thing bit with metal parts... it just didnt do it for me... it makes me want to watch the 20th anniversary transformers movie again instead of this and yes i will but the optimus prime helmet... hehehe