Prooooooobably one of the best weekend I've had in a long time. Robbie and I went to Roburritos on Friday which was delicious as always. Afterwards we went to the carnival where we won 7 fish but traded 6 of them in for a big one:
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Last night was the worst set I've ever seen Saves the Day play. The only good thing about it was the Gorilla Biscuits shirt. Ohhh well. Number 18 let me down. Had fun hanging out with Mike, though! Excited to see Courtney & Josh tonight! Also excited for Bane on Tuesday!
Tara and I made a delicious dinner last night consisting of vegetarian chicken fajitas and tofu spring rolls. They ruleddddd. Mark and Zach ate with us around 10:30 when they got home from rock climbing. I invited Colby over to eat but he had band practice and missed out
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I got over $800 today between both of my jobs. My room is pretty much finished. I have a few more clothes to bring over but thats it. I'm excited to sleep here tonight for the first time.
I started moving my stuff into my apartment today. My bedroom was disgusting and had trash in it. I need to get a rug to cover up the gross floor. I scrubbed it a few times and it just doesn't want to look clean. My bed is set up, I just need to wait for the matress to get there. Big thanks to Brian and Cory for helping me move in.
I'm almost done packing. I hope I get my apartment key tomorrow or Wednesday so I can start taking stuff over. I think I'm going to be completely moved in by Saturday. It's only Monday. I'm exhausted. still have about 60+ hours of work before the week is over. Ughhh.