Bad Trip

Jan 17, 2006 23:42

Earlier tonight, I took a GHit with trisha, this is my

After a few bowls, i found myself taking some gravity hits with trisha. With my heart pounding outside of my chest and my vison getting weak, i knew i was in for a bad trip. I got real nervous so i told trisha "let's go" and she was like that lil girl asking "why" over and over again. So finally we split and i swear she's going to kill us on the road considering we were coming from heber. I tried not to laugh so much since i thought i was going to have a heartattack! So trisha drops me off at her house so that i can drive my car home. I get in and am on my way home. I felt like i was in my own lil "Sin City" scene in the car. I managed to make it home safe, i open my door and pops out my dad and i just looked and laughed and went into my room, turned off the lights and started trippin in my room thinking if i layed down i would choke and have a hearattack. I seriously thought i wasn't going to wake up. With my window open i could hear the world outside living on. It starts to fade away when i close my eyes... finally some how i fall asleep... and woke up like i was in a horror film... scared. I wake up turn on the lights and realize where i was at. I changed my clothes and came out to the front and got online... still scared and trippin a lil... that was one bad trip.
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