1. You must be of at least age 18 to join this RPG due to mature content.
2. This RP is UN-RATED; however, we expect that you will remain respectful and use lj-cuts or warnings in your subjects if the content is controversial or adult in theme. We expect that if you are offended by the mature themes that you will not apply; however, we do not have an age limit, as maturity is not dependent upon age. If you will complain about mature themes, do not apply.
3. Out of Character Posts (OOC) should be confined to the OOC community
4. Use of Journals: Posting should be as such: 3rd person for actions in the RPG forum, and 1st for speaking in your journal. Your character journal is used as though your character has an interactive diary. Post all entries but if it's private, put a note. The same goes for Friends only posts. ALSO: Avoid involving characters that aren't yours in your character's post, or describing another person’s actions. This is GODMODDING.
5. While YOU are omnipotent in the RPG, your CHARACTER is not. If your character shows knowledge of something that they should likely not know, you must prove through logs or posts that they learned the information in character. Otherwise, the information will be judged in character as a lie, and will be treated as such.
6. Please use correct spelling, capitalization and grammar when you type (except in cases with characters with accents). This helps the flow of the story and helps people to better understand what your character means. Some mistakes are going to happen, but try to keep them minimal.
7. When sending in your application in you need to put the following message into the subject line of the e-mail. ”St. Dymphna Owns!”
8. Do NOT kill any other characters. You may injure, fight, ignore, argue, etc., but no killing off the characters unless you speak to the person playing the character you're killing AND a mod first.
9. Any serious plotline, such as pregnancy, death, etc. should be approved by the Mod before being written. We don't want to limit your ideas, but just need to make sure it will not negatively affect the game.
10. You may use AIM, Yahoo, MSN, or any other messenger to talk to other characters, but please post all conversations between characters in the community.
11. All posts must be formatted this way:
12. You must post at least once a week or you will be put on a warning list. If you have not posted at least once over two weeks (without notice to a mod/working it into the plot), then you will be removed from the community. This is our attempt at keeping everyone involved.
13. You can contact the mods at anytime. Lauren's AIM screenname is BSBnumberonefan and Arielle's AIM screenname is AylaRanzz.