Nov 26, 2012 21:53
Title: Lost for Words
Word count: 100
Rating: Gen
Characters: Connor/Lester
For P100 challenge 290: Rain
AN: Connor/Lester fluff
Tapioca at three down made tropical storm incorrect. Damn. Lester hated being defeated by The Times crossword.
Inspiration came mid finance meeting. Precipitation. He made a note for later.
“Connor!” Lester roared.
His subordinate, flatmate, and maybe-possibly-if-you-looked-at-it-from-certain-angles boyfriend jumped at the sound of his name and fell off the chair he had curled up on. His eyes widened in alarm at the newspaper Lester was brandishing over his head.
Lester was furious. Connor had not only finished the puzzle but he had found several other errors. There was going to be a lot of apology sex needed for this.