Primeval fic: Flights of Fancy

May 04, 2013 12:46

Title: Flights of fancy
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Becker/Connor
P100 challenge 313: Full Moon

AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance. Becker and Connor’s hot air balloon date has come to a bumpy conclusion. Continues from here.

AN2: This is an extremely AU version of the Regency even by Harlequin standards.

Light from the full moon fell across Becker’s face. He was finally stirring. It had been hours since they crash landed and Forcross and Shaw had returned to London leaving Connor and Becker at the inn.

Mrs Pembleblossom squeezed Connor’s shoulder reassuringly. It was she who had helped Connor undress Becker, teasing Connor about his Captain’s fine body as Connor had blushed and tried not to stare.

“Conn?” mumbled Becker, struggling to rise.

“Lie still,” ordered Mrs Pembleblossom. “Your husband’s right here.”

“Husband?” repeated Becker, clearly perplexed, as she left the room.

Connor drew close. “I said we were married!”

becker/connor, primeval, regency au, drabble

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